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AMBUSH DATES for 2012 AUGUST 26-30


--- In stalkerv6@yahoogroups.com, Pwhittle wrote:





> Hi All,


> It is that time of year again, and we expect to have another great Ambush this year. Please let me know if you are interested in the Ambush or the track day so I can update the lists and plan accordingly.


> ===================================================================================








> The Brunton Stalker owners have been getting together on an annual basis for what will be 6 years in 2012 with the last 4 years and this one based in the Helen, GA area. As in previous years, all types of Seven-type cars are welcome. (Actually, anyone is welcome driving/riding anything!)


> This is a low-key affair with minimal organized activities except for daily drives on fantastic roads and an informal get together for dinner each night. The drives will typically stop for lunch somewhere interesting.


> Events


> Daily drives and informal dinners plus a track day for the adventurous.




> Schedule:



> Sunday - Some short drives around the local area to accomodate the people arriving that day.


> Meeting point will be at Sugar Creek Mill RV Resort


> Dinner: TBD, depending on the headcount. Likely somewhere in the local area.


> Monday - A long day with some fantastic roads!


> Meet at Sugar Mill Creek Resort at 9:00AM full of fuel for a 9:30AM sharp departure.


> Drive: TBD


> DInner: TBD


> Tuesday -More driving on great roads!


> Meet at Sugar Mill Creek Resort at 9:00AM full of fuel for a 9:30AM sharp departure.


> Drive: TBD


> Dinner: 6:30PM Cookout at Sugar Mill Creek. We'll divvy up the items to bring between the group


> Wednesday


> Track day at Atlanta Motorsports Park.

> Dinner: 6:30PM Cookout at Sugar Mill Creek. We'll divvy up the items to bring between the group


> Wednesday


> Track day at Atlanta Motorsports Park.



> The format of this will depend on how many people are able to commit to the day. I expect to do a combined day with friends from SCCA and NASA and to break it into three run groups alternating 30 minute sessions. That should provide for about 2 hours of track time each. Expected cost is $250 per car.


> DInner: TBD



> Thursday - Determined by popular vote



> Fees


> None, except for Atlanta Motorsports Park fees



> Weather


> There will be weather every day. Hopefully sunny, but not not always.



> Accomodation


> For 2012 we have two accomodation locations:


> Sugar Mill Creek RV Resort. (http://www.sugarmillcreek.com) and North 40 Lodge (http://north40lodge.com/).


> Sugar Mill Creek is run by Rita and Melissa and has become our new home in the mountains. They have a spacious RV park with tent camping and full hookups. Wireless service is great and they have a bar that is open each night with entertainment in the evenings on weekends.


> North 40 Lodge is less than 1/2 mile away and has a selection of lodgings which are beautifully done.


> Please go ahead and make your reservations early so that we can be sure of all being accomodated,



> Confirmed - Ambush:


> Paul Whittle & Barbara Fitzgerald (GA) (Sugar Mill Creek) (I expect it will be hard to keep Jeremy away now that he has a twin-turbo Supra engine in his BMW '86 528e)

> John & Denise Meyers (IL) (Sugar Mill Creek)

> Gale & Lana Newlin (MO) (Sugar Mill Creek)


> Scott Staewen (Houston, TX) and Shannon McVey (Austin, TX) Ultralite

> Robert Hoff (?) (?)



> Confirmed/Interested - Atlanta Motorsports Park


> Paul Whittle

> John Meyers

> Gale Newlin

> Heikki Rinta-Koski

> Robert Hoff


> Paul Whittle

> pwhittle@...

> Cell: 678-772-3847







> Thursday - Determined by popular vote



> Fees


> None, except for Atlanta Motorsports Park fees



> Weather


> There will be weather every day. Hopefully sunny, but not not always.



> Accomodation


> For 2012 we have two accomodation locations:


> Sugar Mill Creek RV Resort. (http://www.sugarmillcreek.com) and North 40 Lodge (http://north40lodge.com/).


> Sugar Mill Creek is run by Rita and Melissa and has become our new home in the mountains. They have a spacious RV park with tent camping and full hookups. Wireless service is great and they have a bar that is open each night with entertainment in the evenings on weekends.


> North 40 Lodge is less than 1/2 mile away and has a selection of lodgings which are beautifully done.


> Please go ahead and make your reservations early so that we can be sure of all being accomodated,



> Confirmed - Ambush:


> Paul Whittle & Barbara Fitzgerald (GA) (Sugar Mill Creek) (I expect it will be hard to keep Jeremy away now that he has a twin-turbo Supra engine in his BMW '86 528e)

> John & Denise Meyers (IL) (Sugar Mill Creek)

> Gale & Lana Newlin (MO) (Sugar Mill Creek)


> Scott Staewen (Houston, TX) and Shannon McVey (Austin, TX) Ultralite

> Robert Hoff (?) (?)



> Confirmed/Interested - Atlanta Motorsports Park


> Paul Whittle

> John Meyers

> Gale Newlin

> Heikki Rinta-Koski

> Robert Hoff


> Paul Whittle

> pwhittle@...

> Cell: 678-772-3847


Denise and I are planning to be there from late Sunday (8-26) night thru Thursday night with our LS3 powered V8 Stalker. Then we leave early Friday AM for an event near home on Saturday Sept 1.


Looking forward to another fun event with great people on the world's best roads for Sevens.


Paul has selected a campground that is more spacious than Creekwood where we stayed last year. It is only a few miles away.


All Seven enthusiasts are welcome. Last year we had a great mix of Caterham, Ultralite, Stalker, Corvette, Nissan 350Z and a pickup truck. Plus probably several that I am forgetting.


John Meyers

  • 2 weeks later...

Update 3

Atlanta Motorsports Park has proposed a trackday that will provide a better experience than I would be able to put together with a track day rental. We will get to be treated like members and they have promised we will have a great time!

The good news is that we will have an instructor a our disposal for the day and more track time that we can use!

They would like us to limit it to 12 people to fit in with their members, so start signing up by return email to me!

Also, Vince Eugenio from Kennesaw, GA is going to be joining us for some of the Ambush in his SuperStalker.

Paul Whittle

Cell: 678-772-3847

{This is a new track designed by the guy that has designed most of the newest Formula 1 tracks. We were chauffeured around this track last year at Ambush before it was finished. Wow! Huge grade changes of over 100 ft. Awesome track. This promises be a great new experience.


Update 2

John and Denise Meyers, Gale and Lana Newlin, and Bob and Jeanne Berube, and Phil and Patty Anderson (Caterham) are registered at Sugar Mill Creek. Robert Hoff has also expressed interest after a few years away from the Ambush.

Glen and Scott Minehart are trying to bring up an M-Spec. I know that many of us are very interested to see the updates and improvements they have incorporated in it. I see that Bob Berube has M-Spec #002 in his signature. We may even have more than one M-Spec here!

We hope to have some WMC Ultralite's here again with Loren Edwards, Scott Staewen, Shannon McVey, and possibly Kevin Bolton coming along. The more the merrier!

Based on the numbers of confirmed attendees, the day at Atlanta Motorsports Park will likely be a half day at the track rather than a full day. Unfortunately I am not able to devote a lot of time to this part of the Ambush due to work and home commitments.

One night we will cook out at the campground and get some live music to play here. I have some restaurants lined up for the other nights. See the agenda at the end of this email for some of the places. Barb and I went to Sautee Trail Cafe for breakfast this morning. Yum! That will be on the agenda too for a breakfast or a lunch one day!

Rita and Melissa still have plenty of space for the week, but if you want to extend your stay on the tail end of the Ambush, make sure you book it in advance as the spots will be filling up for the Labor day weekend to follow the Ambush.

Bobby and Jinger at North 40 Cabins still have some rooms available too!


Here is the track info.



Good morning Paul,

Such a pleasure to talk with you yesterday afternoon. I have a proposal for you that I think may fit your group.


- Wednesday – August 29, 2012

- 9am-5pm hot track (1 hour break for lunch at 12noon)

- Plan to arrive between 8 and 8:30 for paperwork and tech/sound inspections

- 1 professional instructor with you and your group all day (included in per person cost)

- $300.00 per person – We will collect the fee that morning (and we do take American Express, Mastercard or Visa, and of course cash)

- They would each need to fill out guest information packages, including medical docs for in their car (in case of emergency) – We take care of that when they arrive

- Only stipulation is that if you have novice drivers they will need to have someone ride with them – our instructor or one of your experienced drivers

- I can arrange to have lunch delivered for you at $12.50 per person – We can just add that to the fee that morning if you want to do that. Or there are restaurants within 15 minutes if you’d rather go out.

- I would like to hold the number to no more than 12. I do want to be considerate of my members and I think that number will fit in nicely with existing run groups


You will all be our guests for the day and will enjoy all the privileges that come with membership. More run time on track than you have had the opportunity for at other tracks, access to our member club house, the social advantages of a member day at AMP, individual attention, just to name a few.


We will need to tech your cars that morning (it’s free) and do a sound check. As we already discussed, our sound requirement (and it is not negotiable!!) is 98db at 50’ from any track edge. If one of our guests has a problem meeting that requirement we do have solutions on site that can get most cars into compliance. You did tell me that all of these participants have street legal cars and you don’t think sound will be an issue.


I do need to know as quickly as possible if you’d like to do this. I need to make an adjustment to our schedules so that the 29th is a member day (right now it is not).


We would love to host your group as our guests for the day, so let me know what you think.


Standing by,

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)




Update 4


Barb and I are at Sugar Mill Creek this weekend.Storms on Friday evening, but since then it has been wonderful!


Scott Staewen and Shannon McVey are going to be driving their Ultralite at Atlanta Motorsports Park!


Kevin (and we hope Melody) Boulton are coming for the week and the track day!


I will be collecting $100 each from the track day participants to reserve your space for the track day. We are limited to 12 drivers. This will count towards your $300 per driver entry fee. If the weather is so bad we cannot get on the track, we will equally split the $500 deposit!




Update 3


Per my separate email, our track day at Atlanta Motorsports Park is being provided so that we will be guests with full access to the member facilities for the day. The track will be open from 9-5 with a quiet hour for lunch. Cars will need to be teched and the noise will be measured to make sure that we comply with the track rules. The limit is 98dB at 50 ft.


They will provide an instructor for our use for the day. Novice drivers will need the Instructor or one of our experienced drivers to ride along.


The cost is $300 per driver. Passengers will be at no charge. We want to be at the track by 8-8:30AM. It is a little over as 1:22 driving time from Sugar Mill, so we want to leave there by by 6:30AM for a full day!


I know that the Stalker is undriveable in the rain, so I have come to the following agreement with Atlanta Motorsports Park. We will have a non-refundable deposit of $500 in case we do not run or have less than 6 people who run. This is to help cover the cost to provide the instructor and additional staff for the day.


As people arrive for the Ambush that are interested in the track day, I will collect $100 deposit from you. If we end up not running that day due to rain, I will deduct the $500 from the deposits and return the remainder on a pro-rata basis.


- Carl and Jan Annee are coming along in their SuperStalker

- Glen and Krista Minehart are bringing an M-Spec.

- Richard and Pauline Jodoin is bringing M-Spec 007

- Vince Eugenio is bringing his SuperStalker

- John Meyers has sold his car, but is still coming along with Denise anyway.


I am switching the restaurant nights for La Prade and Laurel Lodge as Mondays are better than Sundays at Laurel Lodge.


Update 2


John and Denise Meyers, Gale and Lana Newlin, and Bob and Jeanne Berube, and Phil and Patty Anderson (Caterham) are registered at Sugar Mill Creek. Robert Hoff has also expressed interest after a few years away from the Ambush.


Glen and Scott Minehart are trying to bring up an M-Spec. I know that many of us are very interested to see the updates and improvements they have incorporated in it. I see that Bob Berube has M-Spec #002 in his signature. We may even have more than one M-Spec here!


We hope to have some WMC Ultralite's here again with Loren Edwards, Scott Staewen, Shannon McVey, and possibly Kevin Bolton coming along. The more the merrier!


Based on the numbers of confirmed attendees, the day at Atlanta Motorsports Park will likely be a half day at the track rather than a full day. Unfortunately I am not able to devote a lot of time to this part of the Ambush due to work and home commitments. If someone does have some time to take the lead on the track day, please call me and we can coordinate the effort and perhaps get it back to a full day while keping the cost manageable.


One night we will cook out at the campground and get some live music to play here. I have some restaurants lined up for the other nights. See the agenda at the end of this email for some of the places. Barb and I went to Sautee Trail Cafe for breakfast this morning. Yum! That will be on the agenda too for a breakfast or a lunch one day!


Rita and Melissa still have plenty of space for the week, but if you want to extend your stay on the tail end of the Ambush, make sure you book it in advance as the spots will be filling up for the Labor day weekend to follow the Ambush.


Bobby and Jinger at North 40 Cabins still have some rooms available too!





Edited by HOTTTCAR


Some body call Dick Brink.

I heard he has a supercharged Duratec.

Should be fast on an F1 track.

Posted (edited)

Thanks to the "Stalker" community for inviting other LSISs to the "Ambush!" I would like to join for the driving experiences and have made reservations at the North Forty Lodge. I will arrive Sunday afternoon.

Are there plans for a "non-track" drive on Wednesday for those NOT signed up for the "Track Day"?



Edited by Taber10



Great ! looking forward to meeting you and seeing your Caterham.

There are going to b at least 12 to 14 cars there and not all are going to do track day so there will B a run set up thru these amazing roads for those not participating in track day. Some of us will getting there as early as Thursday or Friday before. Give Paul a call when you arrive and we will meet up.




Update 5

Getting close now!

Dave Seybold is going to make the long trek from New Mexico with his Stalker. You go Dave!

Taber Tompkins is coming from Florida with his Caterham. Good to have another Caterham along.


For anyone not participating in the track day, you are welcome to come along and will likely be able to have some rides around the track. As an alternative, I can send you on some great roads.


Heikki is planning to join some of the day trips on his moped. For the record, Heikki's moped is a fire breathing Boss Hoss motorcycle with (I think) a 6.1 liter V8 engine with a drag tune on it. Heikki will have his Locost 7 at AMP.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in just a few days. Barb and I are planning to arrive Friday night. I know Gale and Lana will be there by then!

Paul & Barb

  • 2 weeks later...

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