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LTW Motorsports Tack Day Review


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The short version: A whacking good time! Haring around a track in a 7 lets you use the car to its yowsie! maximum capacity.

Having been abandoned by Croc and Kitkat for various good reasons, such as having to drive a third of the way across the country and something about needing to floss, I alone am left to report; so here goes.


The reason for LTW Motorsports existence, they say, is to enable the owners of lightweight, "momentum" cars to enjoy them to their full potential. In other words, speed through the turns! This was the first track day run by LTW, but judging by the attention to detail (the day's schedule was included on the I.D. lanyard, for example) and the smoothness of the proceedings, they could have been at it for years. LTW provided at least a dozen ride-along instructors, covering everyone in run-groups 1&2.


At the driver's meeting, I discovered that LTW Co-founder Greg Miceli had apparently drawn the short straw and had ended up as my ride-along instructor for the day. To my surprise and great relief, he was willing to contort himself into the "passenger" side of my 7, managing to somehow get his left leg over the battery (mid trans tunnel) and his right over the cables and under the fuse block which conveniently (for the fuse replacer) is mounted hanging below the dash.


Though Greg immediately saw through my ploy to make the instructor so uncomfortable that he will solo you asap, he professionally guided me through two sessions, providing instruction that took many seconds off my lap times and made the laps safer as well. At the end of the second session, to my quiet delight, Greg nonchalantly handed me a red wrist band and said (with a hint of relief?) that he was comfortable with me driving solo for the remaining sessions. Thanks to the optimum introduction to tracking a Seven given to me by Croc, Tom, and NJMP and the finishing school provided by Greg, I felt comfortable with it, too. The day's sessions were 30 minutes, not the more typical 20 minute runs, but they still went by too quickly. :drool:


I was delighted with the number of prompt point-bys (Yes!) I received. Though LTW allowed cars greater than 2000lbs to participate, they stressed the importance of letting the light cars into the turns and the day was quite successful. There was one guy in one of those P cars that had to be black flagged to break up his train, but we live, as others have observed, in an imperfect world. Bill Thomas, the other founder, told me that their goal is to reduce the maximum allowed weight as the events become more popular. They took the not-covered-by-the-rules nature of my Seven in stride and were very welcoming and flexible.


There are rumors of a Fall event and I'm hoping that we can get a pack of Sevens to attend. A Seven on a track, the best. Sevens on a track with other Sevens, the bestest. -As you lucky stiffs who were able to make it to the East Coast USA7s Track Weekend are well aware.



Still enjoying the post track day mellow,




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I'd seroiusly consider coming back for a Fall track day. I thot the LTW group had a nice vibe.


I was less impressed w/TrackDaze, who we ran w/on Lightening Sat/Sun. I'd be happy to try them again. But, unless they do something to police the folks who REFUSE to give point bys (or who do, but then hold the line and accelerate to the curve, forcing the overtaking car off the track), TrackDaze's attendance will suffer. Point bys are just a matter of situational awareness. Within our little band of buddies, snafus were easily and casually resolved. But we had no control over the general population out there. I did send TrackDaze an e-mail outlining my concerns. Hopefully they will take them to heart.


Yes, I left late moring after 2 heats for the 650 mile tow home. My 2nd session was cancelled after 2 laps when a car puked liquiid from turn 4-11, causing orther cars to spin off (Fortunately I got red-flagged at turn 3). Anyhow, I was happy to have missed the slick stuff and am ready to come back for more on-track fun.

Edited by Kitcat
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Thanks for the kind words, Pete. I have been running track events at NJMP since they opened and I am glad to see that you appreciated the time and effort which goes into all those "little" things. They are a bit of a pain to put together but I think they really add to the event.


I also appreciate that jumping into the right seat of an Exige like it was a large sedan after spending time in your 7. :-) We definitely need to get more of you guys out on track with us next time.


I am already working on getting a date set for the fall as quickly as possible. Likely back to NJMP, but Pocono is another possibility.

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