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Lotus Ltd Watkins Glen Driver Education Event

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Advanced Driving at Watkins Glen


July 2, 2014



Your Lotus was designed for high performance driving. Wouldn’t you like to learn to develop the driving skills to match it? That is the intent of Lotus, Ltd.’s Driver Education program, to teach you the skills to handle your car better. The techniques you’ll learn will make you a safer, more aware driver on the street as well! Afraid to take your car on the race track because it might get damaged? That’s understandable, it can happen. However, it can also happen on the street. The race track is a controlled environment in which you have far more freedom to make a “mistake” than on the street. If you are a novice driver, during Lotus, Ltd.’s Driver Education day, you will have a seasoned instructor with you at all times to guide and teach you at a pace with which you are comfortable. There is no pressure or trophies at a Driver Education day. It’s all about safety, fun, and car control! Yes, in that order.


As one of North America’s oldest road courses, Watkins Glen at the southern tip of Lake Seneca in New York was home to the U.S. Grand Prix for many years. Lotus won several times with Innes Ireland, Jimmy Clark, Graham Hill, Mario Andretti, and others standing on the top step of the podium. At LOG 33, the track was available as part of a Porsche Club “Drivers Education” event where several of our Lotus, Ltd. members had a great time. Unfortunately that was a three-day event which meant that participants had only the evenings with other L.O.G. participants.


This year, Tony Vaccaro and Lotus Owners of New York will be hosting a Lotus, Ltd. Driver Education Day at Watkins Glen on July 2, 2014—right between Canada Day and the fourth of July. Neither one is very British, is it? The cost is a very reasonable $275(US), which includes a reception at the Corning Radisson, complements of the Corning Radisson. With only three run groups, you will get far more track time than is typical. Garage space will be available for an additional $20 on a first come first served basis.


As mentioned, all novices will have instructors for the full day. Intermediate drivers will have instructors at least for their early sessions, and may be signed off to drive solo at their instructor’s discretion. Advanced drivers and Instructors will enjoy lots of track time. Utilized Instructors will allowed to participate at no fee as long as they agree to take 2 students.


Lotus, Ltd. has arranged for Tuesday night trailer and car drop off at the track. The track will be open for drop off between 6pm and 9pm. Even if you’re not dropping a car off, we encourage you to come to the track between 6:30pm and 8:30pm for registration and tech to ease the rush in the morning.

Spectators are welcome for the event and there is no cost. However, Watkins Glen requires you to be preregistered in order to get into the track. If you would like to come, watch, and hang out with your fellow Lotus buddies, you must contact us so we can get you credentials and entrance into the event. Please email Tony at tvacc@lotusowners.com if interested.



Lotus, Ltd. has arranged a discounted hotel rate of $125 per night at the site of LOGs 19 and 33, the beautiful Radisson in Corning, NY. There will also be scenic drives in this beautiful area. Contact information for the Corning Radisson is listed below. You may also make your reservation at http://www.radisson.com for the special rate by using the code LOONYS. If you are making your reservations by phone, please tell them you are with the LOONYs or Lotus group.

Radisson Hotel Corning, 125 Denison Parkway East, Corning, NY 14830-2786. Tel: (607) 962-5000


Laps and Lunch/Dinner at Watkins Glen

As we are renting the track for the day of July 2, 2104, we can look into arranging a Laps and Lunch or a Laps and Dinner if we have enough interest in either. The Laps and Lunch starts about 11:30 am and consists of 3 laps of the track behind a pace car, with a stop at the start finish line for pictures at the end of lap 2. Then it’s off to the Glen Club for a sandwich lunch. The Laps and Dinner is almost the same but is starts about 5pm and the dinner menu is a bit more dinner oriented. Cost is usually $35 to $40 for the lunch menu, $50 to $60 for the dinner menu and that includes the 3 laps and the meal for the driver. If you have a passenger then it usually adds about $20-$25 for lunch menu and $35-$40 for the dinner menu. If anyone is interested in doing this, please let us know. We will be able to get more exact pricing once we know the total interest. We need at least 35 participants to meet the Glen minimums. Your car must be street registered. No helmet are required for the Laps and Lunch/Dinner portion of the event. Please email Tony at tvacc@lotusowners.com if interested. You do not need a helmet nor roll bar for the Laps and lunch/dinner portion of the event. You do not need to do both Dinner and Lunch. You can if you like, but not required.


If you want to participate in the Advanced Driving Event, see below.


If you would like to join us for this fun filled and educational day, please fill out the registration form and mail it along with a check to Lotus, Ltd., Box L, College Park MD 20741 (Attention Glen DE Day.) Participants will be sent a tech form to be completed by their professional mechanic and a liability release before they come to the track. You must bring the completed inspection form and the release to the track or you will not be allowed to drive on track. We will be checking the helmets for valid date and type stamps and for loose items (including battery) at the track.

Unfortunately, open wheel cars will NOT be allowed for this event.


Lotus, Ltd. Watkins Glen Driver Education Event - July 2, 2014

Entry Form.


Some of things you need to know before you arrive!

You are responsible for getting your car professionally inspected for safety and for bringing the form with you. (available from

jertoothsaver@bellsouth,net or downloaded from the LOONY website, http://www.lotusowners.com, link on home page). You will not be able to participate without the safety form. You will need a Snell (SA) 2005 or later helmet. A motorcycle (MA) is not acceptable. Cars must be rollover certified by the manufacturer. Lotus Elise/Exige are okay as are the Mercedes-Benz SL’s and Cabriolet

from 1990 on, and Porsche Cabriolet from 1997 on, as well as Targas. Other open cars must have a 4-point roll bar. Driver and

Instructor will need arm restraints or the top must be in place. If you would like to an instructor, please contact Jim Roberts at

jertoothsaver@bellsouth.net or David Nagler at lotushack@lotusowners.com. Garage space is available for an additional

charge of $20 on a first served basis.


Event Policies & Indemnity Policy

Participants acknowledge that Lotus, Ltd. driving events entail known and unanticipated risks which could result in damage to the participant, to property or to third parties, physical or emotional injury, paralysis or death. The participant understands that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the driving event. Participation in this event is purely voluntary, the participant expressly agrees to accept and assume all associated risks and elects to participate in spite

of the risks.


Refund Policy

Cancellations received at least 30 days prior to the event will receive a full refund subject to a $20 per entrant service charge.


Cancellations received at least 2 weeks prior to the event will receive a refund of 50% of their registration fee.


Cancellations received within two weeks of an event WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND.


In addition, NO REFUND WILL BE MADE FOR NO SHOWS. If garage space is full and you have paid, your $20 will be refunded.



Check this box if you would like garage space



Personal Information.


Initial this box to indicate that you have read the above information and policies,

and that your information below is correct.



Name _________________________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________



Cell Phone ___________________ Driver License State/Province _________________ Number ______________



Car Information.


Make ____________________________ Model ___________________________ Year _____________________


VIN _______________________________________ Liability Insurance Policy Company_____________________


Track Day Experience (List all your track experience for the last five years. (Event/Track/Date)


____________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________


____________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________


____________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________


____________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________


____________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________

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