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  • To submit an article or idea for an article, please send a PM to @Croc and @JohnCh.

  • Although Notifications are on by default, you may override and customize these settings at any time.  To do so, go to Account Settings




    Then to Notification Settings



    Then click into each category of content to change the individual settings.  In the example below, Mentions & My Content is selected and expanded.  The checkboxes on the left determine if you receive a notification by email and/or the Notification List (the bell icon at the top of the page.)  When enabled, the number of current Notification List items is displayed in a green bubble next to the bell.  To view those notifications, click on the bell, then on a notification to go directly to that piece of content.  To play a sound when a notification is received via the Notification List, click on the checkbox on the bottom left of the Notification Settings page.  


    Email notifications will be sent to the email address shown at the bottom right of that page.  If you don't receive these emails, please check your junk folder and add USA7sClub@gmail.com to your safe senders list and/or Contacts to ensure these mails route to your inbox.




    Important note: when you receive a Notification Email and wish to respond to the forum member who sent you a Private Message or @mentioned you in a post, do not reply to the email.  That will go to the Admin, not the intended recipient.  Instead, click on the blue button in the mail that takes you to either the message or post. 

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