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  • To submit an article or idea for an article, please send a PM to @Croc and @JohnCh.

  • Every forum member can share their photos in the Members Album located in the USA7s Gallery.  You may do so either directly or by creating an Album associated with your account.  Paid Club Members may create up to 3 albums and upload images as large as 6mb.  Registered Users thresholds are 1 Album and up to 3mb per image.   


    To add an image to the Members Gallery, click the + Create button at the top right of any page, then select Gallery Image from the drop down.  On the next screen, click Select then choose Member Albums and follow the prompts to add images to either a new album, your existing album(s) or directly to the Members Gallery.  When creating a new album, you have the option to allow comments and ratings for the images it contains.  You can change this at any time by going to the album, clicking Manage album then edit.


    To view the album of a specific member, or to view your own album(s), visit the user's Profile page, then click the Albums tab.  To access all the images within an album, click on either the album title or one of the preview images from that album.






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