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  • To submit an article or idea for an article, please send a PM to @Croc and @JohnCh.

  • The following are taken from the FAQ and answer the most common questions about Private Messaging on the forum (PM).

    How do I Private Message (PM) someone?

    This are four ways to initiate a PM:  

    1. Click the envelope icon at the top right of any page, then Compose New button.
    2. From a thread, click their username or avatar to access their profile page, then click the Message button at the bottom middle of their cover photo.
    3. If you don't want to leave a thread you are currently reading, rather than click on their username or avatar, simply hover the cursor over either one.  This will generate a popup window with summary profile information.  Click on Message in lower left corner of popup
    4. Go to your inbox and click the Compose New button. 


    How do I reply to a PM when I receive a Notification email for that PM?

    First, do not reply to that Notification email.  It will not go back to the person who PM'd you, rather it will go to default email box that sends these notifications.  Instead, click the blue button in the email that states Read full message which will take you directly to the PM.  Alternatively, you may go to your Forum inbox and click on the message.


    How do I access my Inbox for Private Messages (PM)?

    Click the envelope icon at the top right of any page to open the preview window for your inbox.  At the bottom of that preview window click on Go to inbox.


    Why can’t I send a Private Message (PM)?

    If you are unable to send a PM, either your inbox or the Inbox of the person you are trying to reach is full.  When attempting to send a PM to a user whose Inbox is full, you will see an error message in red text under the To field stating "<user> cannot receive messages."  If, however, you click Send and nothing happens, then your Inbox is likely full.  To check, look for the fill bar at the upper right corner of your Inbox.  If it shows you still have space, then please open a support ticket.  If it shows you are at 100% as per the screenshot below, you will need to delete messages from your Inbox.  Inbox storage limits are 50 messages for Registered Users, and 500 messages for Paid Club Members.


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