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Everything posted by iluvlotus

  1. i will submit pics- may take couple days They were on a 2000 Caterham lotus 7 will fit all caterhams and lotus's
  2. I have a perfect set of cycle fenders and their necessary brackets. They came off a Lotus Caterham New they cost $750 how does 300 sound?
  3. yes i will ship them
  4. Sold Thanks still have cycle fenders
  5. Keizer Wheels- All aluminum 10" x 13"
  6. Dutton used MG parts-is that why wheels are ???
  7. i will get some more pics
  8. trade them for your bench seat
  9. I have a pair with embroidered caterham headrests I would trade
  10. Have a practically new set of slicks with alum. wheels- used for one track event and are like new came off a caterham best offer located in NJ
  11. $650 brand new with original wrapping- perfect condition- shipping may be costly prefer pick up
  12. No latches attached since it is brand new- still has factory plastic on it to protect from scratches- best is to to email at kmfs@msn.com
  13. Decal is still on hood with Part number "Bonnett ASSY S/SPRINT F/AIR 96397 located in central NJ
  14. Have no idea what to ask- it is brand new from Caterham still in its blue wrap- Aluminum, louvered/ air cleaner opening on right side
  15. Thank you sooo much for taking the timne out-this is so informative!!
  16. Sorry i should add it is a 1600 Ford cross-flow with twin carbs
  17. Looking to purchase a original S2 1964 lotus 7- it is right hand drive- carbs are facing the right side but hood intake is on left- which is correct? big red flag?
  18. yes-Thank you- however they are old listings and are sold- great reference guide- Thank you for responding
  19. Thank you for great info- I do not plan on racing but just a casual drive here and there- There are alot of great 7's for the ultimate driving experience- Ok now i got to find that westfield XI
  20. Great info! I currently have a Caterham and would like to have a Westfield replica- I may sell my Caterham if i like the Westfield- I really do not want to wait and have one built so if anyone knows where there is one for sale i would greatly appreciate that. Or if some one may consider my caterham towards a trade and of course i would be paying the difference in value- Thanks again
  21. I am considering a westfield- any thoughts on comparisons to Caterhams?
  22. great info- Im sure others also find this helpful!
  23. Not sure- it does have 17 digits - i only see title not the actual vin plate on car. Yes it is a race car spec but set-up for both track and street- I thank you very much for taking the time out to research!
  24. The car i am buying has vin number sdkllkrgss0347700 it comes up as a 1995 with package 21 however this is a Caterham 7 im confused! please if anyone knows how to interprete it would be appreciated Thank you
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