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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Born and raised in D.C. area. Now reside in Eastern Tennessee. Have owned a Caterham,,A Seven Series 2 and a Series 1. Currently own 1981 Rotus.
  • Location
    Loudon, Tennessee
  • Interests
    1. Buy British cars 2. Sell British car 3. Repeat 1 & 2
  • Occupation
    Plays with cars (retired from real job)
  • Se7en
    1981 Rotus - Toyota 2TG expanded to 2000cc

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  1. Didn't realize it was that small
  2. The total width of the cushion is 17".
  3. This is Rotus ,"RO700000014" I bought it from Rob Mitchel who bought it from Chris Custer's son at Chris's estate sale after his passing (I have bills of sale). Chris used it as a demonstrator and in magazine ads. Don't know when or from where the seats cometh but I felt they were too large. Has a Toyota 2TG engine, from day one I believe. It's a brute of an engine.
  4. Selling 2 beige Caterham leather seats complete with sliders. 17" cushion width. Excellent condition save for a 1/2 inch cut just above the cushion. I replaced them with the traditional bench seats. Asking $400 for the pair.
  5. I found the 2" Joanne's fine for both back and seats.
  6. I got the 2" dense foam at Joanne"s.
  7. I have built the seats. Shopping foe foam and vinyl today. Thanks for all the input.
  8. The only flaw is a small cut on the lower inside edge of one seat. Approx. 1/2 inch
  9. @JohnCh Good point. The seats are 17" wide mm. Thanks
  10. Very nice but bench seats are in order.
  11. Have decided to go the traditional route and build my own bench seats. Caterham seats are now for sale outright. Will post some photos shortly. Any interest out there?
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