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  • Location
    Weaverville, NC
  • Occupation
    equipment rental
  1. I shared this with Al in a PM, Lee and I had an increible time! We are still soaking it all up. There simply was not enough time to meet every one and check out details. For me, working on my project since 1999, I was brought to tears during the non-parade lap when all I could see in front of me and behind me was sevens. Truly, a once in a lifetime experience. Oh, and when Tony V. thought my scratch built was a real one! Yeah!!!!!
  2. Hey! thats me in the third row back, 6h from left, black with red interior. Burke
  3. olymar7


    hey, the alum. fenders were from richies.com not sure if he still exists or not. the taillights are from a sprite. thanks for your complements.
  4. olymar7


    Hey thanks for the comments. This car is a one off replica. I did not go by Ron Champions book. My inspiration was a series one that a good friend of mine has. He also had a series two frame, and a 84' caterham. We wanted to build, from scratch, a seven in the spirit of Colin Chapman. Going about things the way he would have, back in the day. All we had was a humble shop, and a welder, and "scrounged" for parts(there are some great stories) We used all three cars as reference, I decide early on to make it a right hand drive car because I like the character of it. My goal was to make it as "real" as possible. I did not want it to be "perfect" as these cars are meant to be driven, so I don't worry about scratches an dings...it adds character. The frame is 1' and 3/4" Square tubing, Painted battleship grey. Sheet aluminum was cut and hand formed, then riveted to frame. Engine is 1600 crossflow with dual dellortos, again staying towards the early seven's. stock pinto 4 speed, Bugeye sprite rear connected by a custom driveshaft. front uprights are GT6 with aluminum hubs. wiring all done from scratch. windshield is heated (from caterham) because there is no heating system for defrost. All caterham parts were obtained through Nathan at Rocky mtn sports cars. I am very happy with the outcome, It's funny how You think something ill look, but as it comes together it takes on it's own identity. I am really looking foward to 70707, It will be my first outing with other seven lovers. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/11327273_lotus 007.jpg
  5. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/2074525872_lotus at irvine 010.JPG
  6. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1042554001_lotus at irvine 010.JPG Hello, I am the owner of the seven that you saw. How fun is this! I live in Weaverville. I am 6' amd 215lbs and its a nice fit. I did alter chassis dim's a little when I was building it, but it's darn close to a series one and two, I added an 1.5" to the cockpit length. Be happy to meet you
  7. Its probably the backing plate rubbing the brake drum. Mine did the same for a while, I bent the backing plate out a little and it helped a lot. I don't see any danger, just another seven sound that adds character.
  8. Hello Jeff, I am interested in the toneau cover. is it for a right hand drive car? does it matter? also interested in the wind deflectors if they are still available. Thanks, olymar7
  9. Hey, It's a small world. James and his series one were the inspiration to start my project back in 1999. We actually used his series 1 and the caterham (now yours) as reference to build my frame. Ned and Rusty were instrumental in skining, motor and running gear on my car. It was all aluminum, with a Blue and yellow nose. But I just Painted it black with yellow nose, black front and rear fenders, hood and cowl. I still need to polish the aluminum ( need a cyclo polisher). I am planning to go to the dragon on 070707. I guess that will be my first event. I will get some pics up as soon as I get it back together, and the sun comes out! Good chatting with you, olymar7
  10. hey mutt, I live in weaverville and just finished my seven. we should get together, there are a few weenie heads around here. where did you get your caterham?
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