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  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  • Se7en
    Caterham 420R

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  1. Thanks both. I have the reverse light like John has so was hoping to figure something out to attach at that point. I need to take a closer look on attachment points.
  2. I did a few searches and see velcro and double-sided tape seems to be popular for mounting the rear license plate. I figured I would check if others have thoughts, I'd rather not stick it directly to the car but haven't seen anything else so far. Anyone mounted it to the roll bar? thanks Emil
  3. Hello, Just wanted to introduce myself. Just picked up my 420R from Beachman Racing the day before Thanksgiving. Haven't had much chance to drive with the weather but so far have been excited each time I've taken it out. After looking at my driveway, I think I have a British car problem. The Caterham will sit next to an Elise and a LR3 and LR4. Yes, I don't make great life choices but better to be happy than rich. Looking forward to digging through the forum to learn more about the car. I'll be using it as a track car once it's broken in. Emil
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