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Everything posted by Snowflake

  1. Snow flake info. Part 2. My Caterham is an 89,deDion,Super Sprint.Polished Aluminum and red glass. I am located in north central Maryland.
  2. Good morning folks......Have been a lurker on this site for some time.This spring I finally "did it" and fulfilled a life long dream of Caterham ownership. While I may be a Newbie to Cats,I am hardly new to Lotus. I bought my first Lotus,a Series 3 Elan in 1967. In addition to my 89 X-flow Caterham I currently own a 1964 Elan (#254). The Elan is feeling rejected for the time being. New experiences all the time with my new car. I've burnt my leg on the exhaust shield and been hit in the forehead with a stone. In a very short time I have had to repair an inoperative fuel gauge and replace a clutch cable. Ain't it great? Am having an absolute blast and am looking forward to using the forum and the experience of the members.
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