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  1. appreciate it! I just got on a plane for a quick work trip but when I'm back I'll give this a try and see if it gets me closer to a solution!
  2. would anyone be able to share a base map for a caterham 7 with a pectel t2, zetec, and itbs? I'm having some issues with my tune and want to start somewhere fresh... perhaps @Vovchandr?
  3. No worries, I was able to build a new one that works -- for anyone looking for the cable in the future the attached wiring diagram is correct but I had issues with two cheap USB to Serial adapters. Also Windows 10 64bit is fine, you don't need to find a windows XP computer -- I took a last generation Intel based MacBook and installed Windows 10 via bootcamp and it's working perfectly. These are answers I struggled to find with google, hopefully the next person who stumbles onto this will have a slightly easier time. F2000_ECU_Flash_and_Verify_v2_.pdf
  4. if you still have this programming cable, I'm chasing my tail on an issue with a Pectel T2 right now and desperate to rule out my cable as an issue -- would love to buy yours!
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