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    Albany, NY
  • Se7en
    01 SLR

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  1. Don't know if its a direct bolt in to your build but I've been using this Antigravity Lithium battery and been very happy with it. I think they come in bigger sizes for an easier fit too https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079TZ19BZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. Vovchandr

    USA 7s (26).jpeg

    Noted. Mea culpa. I'll ask for some in the future, especially if you have a time In future that works better for you and not in busy time.
  3. Vovchandr

    USA 7s (26).jpeg

    Is there a chance for higher quality of these pictures? Most appear extremely grainy and small in size the second you make them big or try to zoom. The compression edit on these put them at about 500kb or less. Events prior were uploaded at about 5 megabites per file making it nice for full screen monitor backgrounds etc.
  4. I read that again "from a different angle" and understood what you said now. Gotcha.
  5. What do you mean by that. You want one with solid rear? Those never came with Duratecs or SVs.
  6. Stranger things have happened. More info is needed Is the owner responsive? Do the pictures look real? Did it have a Kentucky plate? Is he asking you to send money? A real person will have no problem proving they moved with just a few pictures of plates or something if they wanted a sale.
  7. I'm confused by your comment that it's a snap on cap like a washer fluid. Can you provide a picture? Most caterhams to the best of my knowledge use a pressured tank with threads for a pressure release cap and not an overflow snap cap but I'm curious to see what you have
  8. I've also ordered one for a mini on Amazon when really needed one
  9. Im not coming an area of knowledge but it almost felt like the timing was off? The engine really didn't want to be running and I could keep forcing it by restarting it when it died. During one of the startups it backfired very loud that my better half came out of the house to see if I was Ok, so I took pictures of your setup and uploaded mine back. I can try again at a different date to maybe mess with further tuning you described above. With that said if my car is happy with my map I can stay on it and just use the differences as a guide as to what values to adjust and in which direction.
  10. Quick shot from today's Bday quick trip and thank you for @wemtd for stopping by to the humble abode and the gift. It's nice to see friendly faces outside of the stressful track days.
  11. Also troubleshoot my troubled map a little more Still no data log. Barely had time to test the @catsv7 gave me and adjustments @NSXguy suggested I do to the fuel map table. Acting like a blind squirrel looking for nuts I was able to throw some numbers into the tables that seemed to fix that part throttle flat spot/stumble/misfire I had. I only did a quick test @catsv7 car didn't really start well with your profile and map and shot a major fireball upon one of startups. Barely ran. I took screenshots and compared data between our setups. They are different but aren't night and day so not quite sure why it acted so bad.
  12. A few updates Discovered a strange bump in my hood with cracked paint and found the root issue..
  13. I don't necessarily agree with that. New generations carry internal generational codes and designations, as well as a new vin assignment which communities grab on to. Small volume manufacturers even such as Ariel have clear generational designations as 1, 2, 3 and 4 to designate different generations even though not a lot has changed to a naked eye.
  14. You're right about all of those My point is that we don't really have labels for those "generations" which are typically vin based or at least have a name "EF" for Honda, "e92" bmw, "993" Porsche etc, nor is the community keenly aware of them. Typically those generational distinctions imply changes which makes parts not interchangeable so they need an identifier when being sold. For Caterham it matters in some very specific aspects. Imperial vs Metric matters for some things like roll cages but not many others. Dedion vs solid rear matter for rear end but many other things are still interchangeable. Maybe that's why we don't have these distinctions in the community, because they matter so much less?
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