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BillMarcy P

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    Knoxville, TN
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    F1/Roadsters Bill;People Marcy
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  1. Yesterday, Bill called Hagerty. They reassured him that we have full coverage. The renewal notice we received has a "selection form" that is already marked that says "I hereby reject 'property damage' uninsured motorists coverage. However, I select 'bodily injury' uninsured motorists coverage at the following optional limit ($500,000 is marked) which does not exceed the 'bodily injury' liability limit on my policy, nor is it less than the state's financial responsibility limit. If you elect this option, make only one selection under either Combined Single Limit or Split Limit." Apparently, Combined Single Limit means we have both bodily injury and property damage coverage even though the above quoted statement says we're rejecting property damage coverage. I guess that's why I am audiologist and not a lawyer/insurange agent. It's Greek to me. By the way our premium for both the 98 Caterham and 74 MGB is $566.00 a year plus $24 for Hagerty Plus Membership Fee - road service, etc. We carry million dollar liability coverage on our other insurance through Travelers. Hagerty has used Encompass to underwrite the policy in the past, but this year they have changed to OneBeacon Insurance Group. Never heard of them, but they are an A. M. Best "A" rated company. We switched all our other coverage from Encompass this past year because their premiums were so much higher. That may have been why Hagerty found another underwritier. Oh well. Not to worry. According to Hagerty we are covered fully for a decent premium. Happy Motoring! Marcy Power:7drive:
  2. :7frog: Thanks for all the info. We'll call Hagerty and Allstate if we have to. Bill and Marcy
  3. Thanks for the prompt reply! Any other suggestions out there? Marcy:7fume:
  4. Today Bill and I received our Hagerty's renewal for the Caterham. We are surprised to learn that they no longer offer property damage uninsured motorists coverage. They do, however, cover bodily injury uninsured motorists coverage. I appreciate knowing that Bill or I can be repaired, but we're not so happy to find out that we'll have a damaged Caterham on our hands - should we be so unlucky as to be hit by an uninsured motorist. (At the risk of sounding stereotypical, the odds are pretty good in Tennessee...) Interestingly enough, the '74 MGB is fully covered! So, our question for everybody out there is: Who insures your cars? Thanks for any advice. Marcy and Bill Power:7fume:
  5. Bill drove the Caterham one day when I was at work - without my permission. Seriously, the shoulder is responding well to therapy, and he gains more strength and mobility each day - well, he did until the hospitalization. When he's been up to it, they continued therapy in the hospital. Many, many friends reminded him that he is safer on four wheels! Home TODAY!!
  6. Bill and I are deeply touched by the expressions of support and offering of prayers from the Se7eners. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. On Saturday, as I was despairing over the lack of progress, the nephrologist came in and said his motto is, "When there's urine, there's hope!" Today, I am wearing my new tee shirt, and you can guess what it says! Bill was sick for 10 days prior to hospitalization with flu like symptoms. He was diagnosed 7 days into the illness with a bacterial infection based on bloodwork not any apparent symptoms. When we went to the ER because he couldn't void, the docs were sure it was bladder obstruction. However, he had no pain or distension - only some fluid retention in his upper abdomen. It didn't take them long to suspect correctly that he had prostatitis. The length of the illness apparently caused dehydration and trauma to his kidneys. His blood work over the course of the first few days did not follow the normal pattern and caused the docs to suspect a much more serious condition. Thankfully, that is not the case. His kidneys are now clearing. I never thought I'd celebrate pee!!! A note to all you fellas out there. Our urologist said that prostatitis presents just as it did with Bill - viral symptoms with no hint of bacterial infection. Blood work is the only way to diagnose it. A word to the wise - prolonged fever and flu like symptoms should be checked out sooner rather than later. Better to hear it has to take it's course than you're in renal failure! Combine this episode with the bicycling accident Bill had in June which broke his left humerus at the shoulder, required surgical placement of a plate and 10 screws, and continuing therapy, and my friend said we need to apply for a refund of the summer! Speaking of bicycle wrecks, Michael Dougherty and Karen Simmons are dealing with a very similar situation. Last weekend Michael wrecked and broke his clavicle requiring surgery. Our hearts and prayers go out to both of them as he commences his recovery. Bill and I again say thanks for all your kind words. What a great group of folks to be affiliated with!! Love, Marcy
  7. We had such a great time. Next time we'll let you know and you can join us, Jon. If I can figure this out, I'll post some pictures of the evening with Michael, Karen, Norm, Sally, and Mazda. Bill had a great time building Michael's model as a surprise from Karen. We are so glad they like it! Marcy and Bill:seeya:
  8. :bigears: We just returned from a trip to Maryland/DC. Great to see you Mazda. I don't suppose this topic was meant for me, but I resemble that "menopausal" woman...What a hoot. Bill did not find it nearly as humorous as I did. Great visit Karen, Michael, Mazda, and Scott! Hope to see you again soon. Marcy:hurray:
  9. Bill bought the November issue this weekend, and there is a great article about 7-7-7 by Preston and terrific shots by Brian. I think it's a riot that James Wilson is featured, and he was not even registered! And I'm the one who, as he drove up to the Lodge, asked if he was going to the photo shoot! I haven't checked, but maybe the article and photos are at automobilemag.com Also, Bill and I are headed to Bethesda on the 24th to meet Karen and Michael, Gail and Mazda. At the 7's weekend, Karen asked Bill to build a 1/43rd model for Michael as a surprise. Bill found one, ordered it, built it, and now, we're going to deliver it because we haven't any idea how to ship it! We're looking forward to getting together with them for dinner. Hi to everybody out there that we met in July. I may be the only one out here who keeps going back to the video thread to look at the pictures. It was so great! Marcy:)
  10. Al, I don't know who donated the flags. Our British friends came from Oak Ridge on 7-7-07 to see the meet. They observed that the flags were missing an additional red stripe in each quadrant. I checked my Union flag here at home, and sure enough, there's another strip. Perhaps some of our British members can enlighten us! Marcy
  11. It's been 20 some years since I've been to Glacier, but drive the Going to the Sun Highway through the park. It's fabulous! Marcy
  12. I have spent the evening reviewing all the great photos on this forum, on Killboy, and at the links mentioned (Vaccaro and jalopnik). I put my camera away after Thursday night, and I'm glad I did. The shots everybody else took are fantastic! They really catch the essence of the week-end. Jonny - loved the articles! 11BudLite - thanks for posting the photo of the Series 1 following our Sprint Super 7 to the photo shoot at Fontana. That whole episode was serendipitous. What a time for him to come rolling along. Bill and I had thought that he was a registered member just arriving when he rolled into the Tapoco lot. We asked if he was coming to the group photo shoot. He said, "Where is it?" And we said, "Follow us!" Along the way we passed Doug getting his ticket. Bet he never follows Mazda anywhere again! Thanks again to Al and Mazda for putting the event together. You did a masterful job! Marcy Power
  13. Mazda, I think I saw Steve T. on killboy at the end of the 7/5/07 photo postings...Also the name of the Series 1 driver was, I think, Mr. Wilson from Asheville (can't remember his first name). I don't know if he was registered. He arrived at Tapoco just before we left for the group photo at Fontana. He was a really nice guy. Anybody else talk with him and get his name? Thanks to Al, Mazda, and everybody else who made the weekend possible. Al's organizational and detail skills are fantastic! For a first event, it was really well done. And your families deserve recognition for supporting you in your car craziness! Marcy Power
  14. One other thing. A great big thanks to Al and Mazda for all their hard work getting 7-7-7 organized! It's going to be fun!:hurray:
  15. I haven't logged on in sometime. Just reread Al's post from his April visit. LET ME REPEAT. DO NOT EVEN THINK OF GOING TO PIGEON FORGE, GATLINBURG, CHEROKEE, SEVIERVILLE OR ANY PLACE CLOSE. We live in Knoxville and avoid it like the plague. I made the mistake of going to Myrtle Beach ONCE - reminded me too much of the above. It is so sad that in this very beautiful part of the country people have to travel through that trash to get into the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. A word to the wise and all that...
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