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    Atlanta gA
  1. Thanks Same with the starter solenoid? Honestly the thing I don’t like is the wiring connector. Feels like it could be a problem if someone pulled a wire etc
  2. Any updates on how this works? I’m thinking about one and was concerned with how it would fire a fan etc.. do you use a relay?
  3. I have the Vapor which is almost a speedo, tach, water temp and odometer in one. I like it
  4. I live next door and usually attend
  5. northerntool.com
  6. 94 donor Its an IRS i designed and made. It really works better than I ever expected! Tons of mechanical grip. The front fenders are trailer fenders that I sanded, wetsanded and polished.
  7. I dont want to polish the car.. Firstly because the sheet metal isnt THAT perfect and secondly because its a pain in the ass to keep that way.
  8. Nope.. I need something better but havent found anything bright. It gets dark around 10pm so I am ok home by then in most cases.
  9. http://want2race.net/lotus7/caffeine/IMG_7906.jpg http://want2race.net/lotus7/caffeine/IMG_7997.jpg
  10. It was dirty.. I have since polished it a bit If anyone has aluminum cleaning secrets please spill http://want2race.net/lotus7/caffeine/IMG_7863.jpg http://want2race.net/lotus7/caffeine/IMG_7905.jpg I have since Painted the Valve cover as well. More pictures up soon hopefully Yep.. I spend more time driving it than cleaning it
  11. I did about 250 miles on Thursday in my car! I have the Road Race Pro seat in my car from Ultrashield and I thought it was fine.. Lets just say my back KILLED thursday night. Friday morning I was in agony and could barely move! The car beat the hell out of my back and that seat didnt have much padding. Since I cant find many other options that size I am going to get a good padding to insert between the seat and the cover. Anyone have any other ideas? Does everyones car kick their ass?
  12. I would come but I dont have a windsheild or a heater and I would freeze my ass off! Im in when it gets warmer
  13. http://www.want2race.net/lotus7/bias_small.JPG Basic bars, 1.5 x .095 DOM steel. I have 2 available. Make an offer. Shipping wasnt expensive last time I shipped one
  14. Hey gents, I just got my Ultrashield seat today and I was eager to get it mounted. I started looking and it looks like there are a fortune of options out there. Anyone got any pictures of how they mounted their seat? Basically If i mount it straight to the floor I dont think ill be able to adjust the crotch belts. Anyone??
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