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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Retired engineer from health care devices industry
  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    NASA racing, woodworking, outdoors
  1. 2006 Haulmark Low Hauler 14ft. trailer for sale, approx. 2000 light duty towing. Aluminum construction, lightweight, perfect for towing Caterham, Westfield, Brunton, Locost size cars, motorcycles, ATVs, etc. Side personnel door, rear ramp/door, interior lights, vents, dual axles, elecrtic brakes, weight distibuting anti-sway hitch w/wiring plugs. Tie-downs, spare tire. Economical and easy to tow. $4000 Call Jim for details 626-296-1763, Los Angeles area
  2. Is this car still available?




  3. Rob- This is a beautiful car, with lots of original solutions and ideas--congratulations. I'm beginning the process of building a Westfield using a Honda S2000 powerplant, so I'm REALLY interested in your build photos, etc.--might save me some headaches. If you wouldn't mind, could I contact you for info/help/advice as I proceed with my build? If yes, then should I use this forum, or some other means? Thanks, jcab
  4. Tom at MAnik suggested I contact you, as I'm interested in putting a Honda S2000 engine/trans into my yet-to-be-purchased Westfield. I understand that you've done an S2000 install and I was wondering if you'd care to share solme tips, problems, etc?

    Also--do you race the car or is it primarily for road use?

    I'd sure appreciate a repply as soon as you have the time.



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