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  1. Awesome! I've really enjoyed watching your build on this forum. I told my wife the other day how much it stunk to see your car on the market before I was in a position to buy. Can't wait to see your next post showing new seats. -Peter
  2. Saw this article in today's news and it again made me think of this thread: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70K0DJ20110121 I promise not to revive it again until the day comes that I can pump whiskey from my local Shell station. -p
  3. I was just reading through this thread and thought about a station I saw a week ago near my home. It advertised "ethanol-free gas." I looked it up online, and in the process I found a site dedicated to promoting all the ethanol-free gas stations in the US. Check out the site here: http://pure-gas.org/ From what I recall, the ethanol-free station near me (Quality Gas in Salem, OR) has prices within the realm of the ethanol-blended stuff sold most everywhere else. This provides a far cheaper solution than using VP race gas for trips around the block and a far simpler (and less smoky) solution than pouring Seafoam or another additive in your tank. -P
  4. If your only gripe about the lotus elise is your seating position, you aren't alone. There are some pretty simple (cheap) aftermarket solutions available that put you lower in the car. Here's one: http://www.sector111.com/products/interior/seats/downlow_seat_rails.cfm I'm sure it doesn't make getting in the car any easier than it already is, but, then again, you have a 7, so you're probably used to human origami.
  5. Awesome. I visited this site pretty much daily for a few years now, shopping for the future. The extreme detail of the car definitely caught my attention. My gut instinct might be to cry 'fake', except for the fact its a rotary - what scale model 7 would have a rotary? Please post if you hear back from newkurt.
  6. For what it's worth, the alleged owner (newkurt) posted a comment on this site regarding the car when it was last on E-Bay in October: "The 7 from Ca. on ebay is my car. Lotus vin from 1964, no SB100. I did a recreation to correct and update the problems of the originals. It's 1x1 mild steel tube frame Tig welded, and aluminum, I did everything except splash the fiberglass. It currently has 25 hrs. ( hour meter ) street driven, no track time with 1 autocross. It was professionally photographed in a studio."
  7. well, that would certainly reflect positively on the car's build quality and pedigree then.
  8. is that the star of david on the diff cover? tis the season.
  9. This is happening tomorrow at PIR. Get there around 7:30 am to get registered (can do so on the spot) and have a cup of coffee while walking the track. Should be good weather. Hope to see some of you there. Peter
  10. The Porsche Club is putting on an Autocross at PIR on April 18. Registration is $40 for non PCA members and is open right now at: http://www.oregonpca.org/events/autocross/ax-schedule/ (click on the blue ORPCA AX#2 link). The Oregon region puts on really well coordinated events, with a diverse mix of cars participating (Gt3s and 914s to Miatas, Datsuns and, chumps like me in Subaru wagons). Everyone is welcomed. I've attended a grip of events at PIR over the past 4 years and have yet to see a 7. As a passionate lurker of this site for quite some time, it would be great to see some of you show up. -P
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