In need of some suggestions, (actually a cheap easy solution would be preferred).
Had what I thought was a tranny problem, but turned out to be a clutch pressure plate issue, anyway.... installed another T50 from an 84 GTS.
Shifts up beautifully and down... until 2nd gear. Won't go into 2nd until almost at a full stop. No grinding or anything, just wont go in gear, (almost like it's being blocked), unless I am almost stopped or I put into first, first, then it slides into second easy. Have tried double clutching, but it's inconsistent, sometimes slides in or it won't. Any ideas?
p/s: Only mod made was, to fabricate a 1/32 spacer to go between bell housing and engine to mate this tranny, (from a 4AGE, smaller flywheel and bell housing) to my engine, a 2TC, (w/ larger FW & BH).
p/ss: Before installing, opened it, but didn't move or do anything but a visual and there was no, (at least visible) sign of worn or damaged syncros.
Pissed Off & Perplexed, (ACPOLISH):banghead: