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Everything posted by acpolish

  1. Rock pitting and/or corrosion from pitting is the ultimate problem. You can apply a single part high solid clear urethane but... there are a few drawbacks to this method. In order to get the paint to adhere properly you will have to etch the aluminum, which will greatly degrade your shine, (or depth of image), plus will be subject to the same chipping or pitting, plus will require eventual replacement which is a major pain. A viable alternative is the application of a clear "leading edge" tape, (available from 3M™ in may sizes) on the problem areas. All that needs to be done is, after polishing to the desired level, is to wipe the area clean with MEK, (Methyl Ethyl Ketone), to remove any polishing residue, and apply the tape. Very long lasting and will not significantly reduce the degree of finish and easy to replace at any time, without affecting the finish underneath. The finish will not oxidize as it is now sealed from the elements and really well protected from anything short of a small direct meteorite strike. (Make sure you get 3M™ leading edge tape as this stuff is tough, clear & has excellent UV barrier characteristics. UV will dis-color the aluminum underneath.) Cheers ACPOLISH
  2. Thanks Dave. Was unaware the "pungers" could be adjusted. I'll give it a look-see and let you know.
  3. In need of some suggestions, (actually a cheap easy solution would be preferred). Had what I thought was a tranny problem, but turned out to be a clutch pressure plate issue, anyway.... installed another T50 from an 84 GTS. Shifts up beautifully and down... until 2nd gear. Won't go into 2nd until almost at a full stop. No grinding or anything, just wont go in gear, (almost like it's being blocked), unless I am almost stopped or I put into first, first, then it slides into second easy. Have tried double clutching, but it's inconsistent, sometimes slides in or it won't. Any ideas? p/s: Only mod made was, to fabricate a 1/32 spacer to go between bell housing and engine to mate this tranny, (from a 4AGE, smaller flywheel and bell housing) to my engine, a 2TC, (w/ larger FW & BH). p/ss: Before installing, opened it, but didn't move or do anything but a visual and there was no, (at least visible) sign of worn or damaged syncros. Signed Pissed Off & Perplexed, (ACPOLISH):banghead:
  4. Hokey Dokey!! Looks like I will have to post a "How To" on aluminum polishing. I should have something up soon, (depending on how busy things are this week). :cheers: ACPOLISH
  5. Well I guess it's time to blow my own horn. Anybody that wants to know how to "properly" polish aluminum for the best and longest lasting finish should browse my web site. Picking a brand of polish is only part of the process and not the most important. Understanding what you are working on, and with, is the most important. I hope I am not breaking any forum rules here, but you can check my site at . There is a lot of good information on proper polishing techniques, mainly for commercial aviation, but the same applies for any surface. I specialize, (since 1987) in supplying industrial polishing products, equipment & techniques, primarily for the commercial aviation industry, (Hence my screen name, "ACPOLISH"). If anybody has any specific questions, or concerns, (not personal, but regarding polishing, specifically aluminum), feel free to contact me. http://www.aircraftpolish.com
  6. Hey Oyagi: Looks like we should talk. I also own a "Fejer 7". I'm just outside Montreal, (west) so am not far from you. There is also another F7 in Glen Robertson, ('bout 1/2 way tween Mtl. & Ott). Weather permitting I should be in Gatineau this Sunday for the "Classic Air Rally" (w/ the 7).
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