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  • Location
    country Belgium city Rivière
  • Interests
    seven , theater improvisation
  • Occupation
    Electro Mechanical Technician Designer pool
  1. Hello I also have a live axle on my Birkin. This is a warner Borg M68 with a ratio of 4.11. I just fit a Quaife diff ADT home was ordered directly from them. It is not easy to settle the problems of thickness to avoid differences. I am doing this work. http://datsun1200.com/modules/mediawiki/index.php?title=Borg_Warner_Differential
  2. hello jackal This kit is not for my Birkin ,My birkin is driving on the right ? my steering column is in the way! bye peter
  3. hello thank you for the information But my engine is a 2.0 zetec water pump is different and the timing cover is different. I think buying only the alternator power to the bindings myself. For now the 70 A of the left engine that mepose problems. I guess 40A enough for the birkin. Thank you again. Peter
  4. Hello Jackal I'm having trouble with my alternator on my 2.0 zetec is below left. Can you give me the information about your brand alternator model and amperage. thank you again peter from Belgium
  5. Auto Technica ATR 3350
  6. Still some photographs http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/11/05/mini_111105071948830138.jpg http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/11/05/mini_111105072416425617.jpg http://nsa27.casimages.com/img/2011/11/05/mini_11110507245488351.jpg
  7. Hello When the rails are placed on the wrought iron reinforcement as onto the photographs, it is possible to fix the bolts of front while drawing on the rail behind. On the other hand for the bolts of behind, it is necessary to place the bolt in the rail before positioning it on the bottom. The lower rail is right to receive the bolt for key of 13. And when you to tighten by lower part it does not turn. My English is very bad, but I have to dismount the seat and the photographs speak. There are 4 bolts by seats but the seat is fixed on the new steel cross-pieces. Peter http://nsa27.casimages.com/img/2011/11/05/mini_111105071602599861.jpg http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/11/05/mini_111105071704681718.jpg http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/11/05/mini_111105071752614284.jpg http://nsa27.casimages.com/img/2011/11/05/mini_111105071834955558.jpg
  8. hello What you see on the photographs it is the seat assembled without the bottom. The bottom is photographed on the cap. And under the rails there is a weld steel part between the cross-pieces to reinforce the bottom. And for not that the seats go down with aluminium and the rivets. There are 6 screws to fix the framework of the seat on two rails 3 on each sides. And above to pose to you the bottom of the seat, simply deposited. the photographs are not very explanatory I did not have much light. Bye Peter http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/10/25/mini_111025104428562646.jpg http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/10/25/mini_111025104538260789.jpg http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/10/25/mini_111025104618359454.jpg
  9. Hello I spoke about sudures not to fix the rails on the aluminium bottom. The fact of placing U in lower part and of fixing them with rivets is a good thing but increases the risks to hang the bottom. the aluminium bottom is rivetted on the frame and the weight of the seats and the pilot pushes on the bottom. They are only rivets. I preferred welded two dishes per seat to reinforce I will place photographs later . Peter
  10. Hello It is necessary to buy the seats with the rails. The rails birkin are dismountable thus, to remove the rails, to weld two steel 50mm/4 mm by seats between the cross-pieces. Then to place the seats to trace, drill the 4 holes by seats and to fix the seats. I put 1 hour to place the seats in Birkin. bye Peter from Belgium
  11. Hello it is Peter of Belgium. I have a birkin of 1999 and I changed the seats of origin very can comfortable. I replaced by seats for S3 caterham out of leather they are extraordinary. The bottom is dismountable of continuation I have only to remove old fixings and to weld 2 reinforcements by seats to reinforce. for me best the solution. Bye Peter http://nsa21.casimages.com/img/2011/10/19/mini_111019100806548399.jpg http://nsa21.casimages.com/img/2011/10/19/mini_111019100857992004.jpg
  12. Hello the guy. I believe that RZEMPEL was right but I have more precision. It is many wipper arms of golf two of 1985. But of the modified back. With wipper blades of Toyota corolla 1992 1993. Still thank you for the information hello for Belgium. bye Peter
  13. Hello Rzempel I take note of your information well. I must have easy to find and compare here in Europe. In more I have a friend who has a golf GTI first series thus I control and I confirm soon. Still thank you for this help. Bye peter
  14. Hello It is very comic all that. But my wipper arms and wiper blades come from another car. They were transformed. I must approve my BIRKIN in Belgium and I seek these parts. The arms were recut, folded and the blade are shortened. See the photographs thank you for your assistance. http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/10/08/mini_111008032544880494.jpg http://nsa28.casimages.com/img/2011/10/08/mini_111008032750789744.jpg http://nsa27.casimages.com/img/2011/10/08/mini_111008033018499474.jpg http://nsa27.casimages.com/img/2011/10/08/mini_111008032920597963.jpg
  15. Hello the guy Just a small question. Can you say to me which is the source of the wipper arme and blade for a birkin S3. It is possible to find these parts on other cars or they are manufactured exclusively for Birkin.??? Peter from Belgium Thank you for your answers
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