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Stalker hood mounting question


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Do you guys let the bottom lip on each side of the hood just ride against the upper square tube?

What about the fact that the back of the hood is riding on the side panel top lip and then transitions to the upper frame rail? This is a little step down, but the hood flange is just flat.


I am not crazy about how the hood just rubs right on the scuttle and the frame rails. Most cars would have a cushion or suspension to keep it from rubbing through the paint. Just wondering what people have done. Or maybe I am over thinking it and these cars just have paint rubbed off everywhere after you use them? Seems crude.


I guess you could lift the front up so there is a space the thickness of the side panel top lip all the way to the front? Just the hinges and the back would support it with a gap the thickness of the aluminum? Not sure what the intentions are for the design.


Putting clear bra on the touching surfaces might be an option, but that would probably show abrasion as well, or wear through.

Edited by jevs
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You’re not over thinking things; there are simply areas where you have the latitude to come up with your on solutions, such as the hood. For the 'shift' from where the back of the hood flange stops riding on the side panel top lip and then transitions to the upper frame rail, I used a push-in bushing from McMaster-Carr that allowed for the difference in height between the hood flange and the fram rail:




For the area between the rear of the hood and the scuttle, I used the following, also from McMaster-Carr:




This is an old build photo of the hood flange, but it still applies:




And a recent photo of the scuttle:





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I just had a chance to look at the install video again. I can see that scott has a piece of aluminum hanging out. It is being used as a spacer between the hood and the frame rail in the front. So that answers one question. I still think there needs to be some rub protections. I will check out the Mcmaster part. If that can be "shaved to different thicknesses, they could be used to spaced the hood perfectly around the scuttle for a flush fit all the way around.


Can those bumpers be removed. I see they are plastic. Seems like they might only like to go in once and never come out again without messing them up?

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Can those bumpers be removed. I see they are plastic. Seems like they might only like to go in once and never come out again without messing them up?





I ordered some of these last week and was concerned with the same thing. Although McMaster lists these as plastic (which leads one to believe they are very rigid), they feel more like a cross between teflon and rubber once in-hand. They install VERY easily, can be removed with no damage and reused at will.


When I ordered these, the part number was the same as the ones I originally installed on my car in 2007, however, the material is different (better, in my opinion) when compared to my old 'true' rubber' bumbers.

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So, how are you adjusting the hood surface to the scuttle surface? I assume these are just being used for protection. It would be nice if you could get different thicknesses with all the same other dimensions so you could put whatever thickness in each location that puts the hood right where it need to be.


The only way I can think to do it would be to put these bumpers in, then shim everything out where it needs to be with temporary shims. Then go back and add a little patch of fiberglass where the shims were needed to make the hood thicker in that spot, or you could even use an epoxy for this purpose. I can already tell I need to make one side push over a little on the passenger side. That's the only way I am going to make the two parts line to each other precisely.

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OK, so I ordered:

9309K121 Rubber Push-in Bumper, Tight-Grip Ridged Stem, 1/4" Hole Size,17/32" Diameter, 50 Pack $9.00

1670K2 Plastic Push-in Bumper, Tight-Grip Ridged Stem, Fits 1/4" Hole Size,100 pack $14.28


I will just thicken the fiberglass as needed for a good fit. Any more thinking about this will take me longer than doing it :)

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