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Tip, cost, toll, bribe, extortion, or ransom?

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What is the term you would assign to the amount of money paid on top of the cost of food before it's prepared, delivered, or eaten?


'Tip' seems inaccurate. I'm leaning toward 'ransom' or 'bribe'.


This practice has become the standard in my area at counter-service eateries. I understand the need for tips, and I understand ransoming food (which I'm always compelled to pay) results in more money for those in the service industry. The principle of pre-service tips disturbs me. (I know what you're thinking, "Just pay nothing up front and leave a cash tip." I never carry cash.)


Where else is this acceptable/expected?


Why not use the pre-service 'tip' amount as a deposit/escrow? At the end of my meal, I should have an option to release all or part of it, depending on the experience. This could be handled by a human, an app, or a little piece of hardware at each table. Seems like a win-win.


Why tip if you have to stand at a counter and carry your own food? Who are you tipping? Why not tip yourself? What's next, you stand in the kitchen and wait for the cook to fry your burger?

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