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New Boss In Town


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I just read the now closed thread, "Lack of skilled mechanics",  or something like that.  It was/is an excellent study of the diminishing class of tradesmen with the skill sets to keep our 50 year old toys running.  Had the topic remained focused...


I was compelled to contribute this point.  The old concept of going to a achool to get a paper that says you are capable of reading something one day and filling in a multiple choice dot test a few dsys later, then applying for work at a business who's leadership is so fat and comfortable hiring HR people who make themselves look valuable by screening applicants for those who have previous experience,  and not bothering with apprentice programs, and weeding out the rest with excessively strict policies and toxic conditions, is a very dim proposition now for the new generations.  And this isn't even touching the finer points of running a business, the insurance costs, etc.


So, there is a new boss in town to work for:

I present, the Like button



Where are the skilled guys going?  They learned to get a camera,  find someone with editing skills and upload home made videos to the 'Tube.

Its all up to them to craft thier media into something educational and informative.  If they are good, they get a 👍from thousands of viewers who find the content worthy of praise.

The viewership and responses are seen in the metrics and adverts and revenues follow.


Now how do I start my own clown show?


Edited by IamScotticus
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I'll second the recommendation. Both good, thoughtful books. I preferred the first, the second seemed to get a little repetitive to me. For anyone considering a read, each could alternatively be titled "7 Shop Class as Soul Craft" and "Why We Drive 7s"

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