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Does anyone know if the center section of a Standard 10 axle will fit into a Leyland Ital axle housing? And secondly will Ital axle shafts fit?


Thanks in advance - Jim


Im not going to say never,

But I've done a lot of reading on the Ital/Marina axles, swap options, etc.  

I have never read that the Std 10 has any compatibility with the latter Morris axle although they may share some parts, etc. 

Here is one example where the poster didn't mention the Std 10 among the cars that interchange with the Ital/Marina:



At any rate, I believe the Ital is wider than the 10, closer to the Escort width.


You could probably get a lot of Standard info on a club site




Thanks for trhe comments. I did know it was wider than the standard axle hence my question on the axle shafts fitting.  My issue is that my Standard axle had previous owners that "never had time to do it right but always had time to do it again".  It normal cracking has been fixed with everything from weld, to braze, to JB Weld to silicone.  It's such a mess around the pumpkins area I don't think it can be saved without major surgery.  I thought I stuck gold when I was able to purchase another axle.  Unfortunately I did not do my homework first and got an Ital axle.  My issue (also determined from homework AFTER the fact) is that it has a 3.64 gear ratio.  Not sure if my single Weber non-crossflow which have enough oomph to make it work.   So that why I'm asking my questions.


There were/ are 4.10 gears for the Ital.  I had a chance to buy one.  Perhaps you could go that route. Parts for 10s getting scarce.

Some machine shops could turn out shafts $$$...

Posted (edited)

Sounds like the ital needs the center section pulled for housing repair anyway, so you have everything needed to figure this one out. The real fix imho would be to go with a ford. What is the distance between wheel mating surfaces (WMS) for these axles? I'm guessing about 55"?

Probably the best thing to fix what you have the right way. Lots to consider with axle changes. If you can't grind out all the braze, I'd use alum/bronze rod to braze weld or just braze if sufficiently vee'd for surface area.

Edited by MV8
Posted (edited)


The way I read it, its the 10 that is a shambles.  The Ital was obtained as a replacement but Jim is thinking the Ital gearing is too tall.  He wants to replace the 10's case with the Ital's.

I think that's the idea.

Agreed, with a short cockpit,  an Escort axle would have the best spares and aftermarket support.

Edited by IamScotticus

IamScotticus has it right. The Standard housing is trash and the Ital is complete, just wrong ratio.  I also didn't mention the Standard axle is not braced and the Ital is.  Also someone has redrilled the hubs for larger studs on the Standard axle to run Ford Fiesta rims.  So if I do repair the the Standard rear differential cover, fix the pumpkins I still have to deal with getting new hubs and bracing it.   This is why I thought the new axle was just the ticket since it solid, complete, braced, etc. (Just wrong ratio).  Was hoping it would be a simple swap of center sections but nothing can be that simple can it!!!!

Posted (edited)

the Ital axle is capable of handling power under 200hp without a brace.  Nobody has broken an Ital with 100hp.  Half shafts walking out from curbing and latteral hammering from worn A frame bushes, yes. But not from any 1600 OHV Kent engine.


All the Itals supplied by Cat with the Xflows were 3.64. They thougt it to be a happy medium between performance and road cruising.  Its the ratio I have on my 100hp Xflow and I find it adequate.  Build up the Ital, consider removing the brace to reduce the weight,  and hunt for a 4.10.  There is a Quaife torque biasing diff, QDF8K, or Black Line HLF070 (china copy) to upgrade.


Also, Jack Webb only needs five orders to turn out a run of upgrades for the Ital.  


Im on board.


Did you know...

The Escort axle is 33 lbs heavier than the Ital!



Edited by IamScotticus

Ask and you shall receive!!!!! Thanks IamScotticus.  I'll research Triumph ratios as I'm lucky enough to have a large British parts/junk yard near me.  THANK everyone for their input.

Posted (edited)


Look at these offerings.

I would call Rimmer to ensure compatibility 

These are Dolomite but be advised the "Sprint" parts don't cross over.



Since there is a reconditioned diff with a Quaife installed, If you ask, they might build you a 4.1 with a Quaife TBD installed.  Having this done professionally is worth the expense.


There is a January 16.67% sale at Rimmer on orders over 100 BPS

Edited by IamScotticus

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