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Going to be in England november 4th to the 8th

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I will be in England from the 4th to the 8th on Business. I may have some free time if anyone will be available to grab a pint or have a blat.


I will be staying here: http://www.lakeisle.co.uk/index.htm


Uppingham. My company is in Corby. I will not have a car which stinks:nonod:


The 5th is bonfire night in England. Celebrating the burning of Guy Fakes, a conspirator who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.


looking forward to some festivities.




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Could you bring me back a 1600cc Ford crossflow in your suitcase for me??? Go to the locost uk site and see if you can hook up with some one. Have fun, Russ

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That would be Guy Fawkes :thumbs:


It used to be everyone had their own fireworks in the yard, now it's mostly organized displays in parks and so on. Probably not as impressive as some of the big displays you see here on July 4th, but usually a great atmosphere. Best enjoyed with a pint and a baked potato. And good friends.


I think you will be quite near Melton Mowbray (famous pork pies) and Stilton (yes, that cheese). Enjoy!



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