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Footbox question for Caterham owners

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(possibly only live axle cars).


Since my car was repaired and they re-installed the inner panels in the cockpit the driver side panel edge overlaps on the outisde of the aluminum foot box as seen here:




You can see the unused holes at the very forward edge.  There do not appear to be holes behind these that it would have been fastened to (presumably why they did not rivet that edge.


I can't remember for certain how it was pre-repair, but I have a hunch the interior side panel should be between the aluminum footbox and the frame.  It's not too big a deal, but my foot occasionally catches the exposed edge as I come off the clutch and I don't ever remember that happening before.


Can one of you kind souls have a peek down in your Caterham's footbox and tell me which way it should be?






xflow72006-08-31 04:55:04


Hi Dave,




Mine overlaps the same as in your photo. However there is another small

panel filling the space between the red panel (mine are red too...) and

the front edge of the footwell - this is on the drivers side only, the

passenger footwell looks the same as your pic. I'd never noticed this

before, and don't know what purpose it serves - maybe it smooths out

the surface there - but my feet don't catch. I'm headed out now, but

will try to post a photo later if that helps.








PS: mine is not live axle





Dave - pic attached (I hope). AS you can see, my footwell needs a clefile:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/steve/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/2006-08%20%28Aug%29/seven%20footwell.jpgan!


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