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Rear Mount Basket


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One of the cars which did the USA 2005 tour out west featured a removable basket made out of aluminum and plywood. It is basically a luggage carrier with black netting over the top and a place to relocate and mount the license plate. Looks like a pretty cool thing to have if you want to haul stuff on a tour.




I wish I could remember where I saw this car ..




Rob Mitchell

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Gert, is that red cannister your fuel cel? http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/wink5.gif




I've got one just like, it...'cept I usually put it in the passenger footwell.

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No, that is my peace of mind booster when I don't trust the fuel gage and the next gas station is 80 miles away.




Good idea with the canister in the passenger area together with the other luggage, eliminating the need for the basket. But then, I have to strap the passenger to the roll bar   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gif





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The Birkin has two M8 threaded bushings welded to the bottom chassis tube going across for the spare carrier to bolt on. That is where the luggage basket is held at the bottom. The top is simply lashed to the roll bar rear stays with a spacer to not mar the aluminum skin.




I had considered making one or the other thing for sale but I am just not set up for small series production. It would be inefficient and become very expensive. If that is just for myself and for fun, I don't care about efficiency. Also, I am already speding more time than I should with these gadgets http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif





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I had considered making one or the other thing for sale but I am just not set up for small series production. It would be inefficient and become very expensive.








Unfortunately that is so true. A couple of years back, I wrote this software for my laptop to do video capture, and overlay data from OBD-II diagnostics, as well as accelerometer data on the video in graphic format. It is similar to expensive products already in the market.




I briefly thought about selling it, but after thinking about the headache of all the customer service calls from people having USB hardware issues or Windows install issues, I decided against it.

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Gert-so you have the same fuel gauge issues? Mine (ATL gauge and cell) is "progressive" in that it seems to sip fuel until the half-way mark, then plummets into the E. I even ran out once already (on my way to rendezvous with Mazda et al) and had to use my "peace of mind booster" on the side of Route 78 in PA. And then the car was hard to start due to air in line or perhaps clogged filter. What fun!

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