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Texas tour reminder

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I know this is the wrong section but just wanted to make sure people dont miss out on this event. We have a Texas Hill Country tour sch for April 11 12 13. Check the events section for info. We have about 9 cars coming so far. If you are in Texas and have a LSIS this is going to be a fun weekend driving on some excellent winding and fun roads. These could quite possibly the best driving roads in Texas from what I have read. I have pre-driven all 500 miles of them and can tell you that you are in for a treat. The blocking for the hotel ends on the 23rd so dont hesitate.

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Live from rainy San Antonio!....


Loren et al...don't know if you will be passing by Driftwood TX on the tour, but we stopped by the Salt Lick BBQ on the recco of a friend who used to live here. Great food and would make good stop...also, the roads in Hill Country are much more suited to Se7ens than the Chevy HHR I rented.




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I am ready, made my reservations and have Blue in peak condition and ready to load into the trailer.

For anyone going who uses a Garmin GPS OR Microsoft Streets and Trips, I have the route compiled and can email it to you. Just tell me which one you need.


Come to think of it, if I get some coaching, I will upload it to this site.



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