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A Test of Social Networking...

Al N.

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x-post from usa@se7ens.net








Al Navarro here. Been laying very low (but alas, not low flying!) for a few weeks due to work/family/volunteering commitments.




I'm writing to ask you all for a favor. Many of you probably know about the blog I keep for my car. The link is below.








What I'm asking for is, if you have time and the energy, please make a comment on any post on the blog (even the most recent, un-car-related one is fine). And the comment should be legit, not just something like "Hey Al, I got a comment for you right here."




I ask this all because I'm trying to make a viral marketing/social network point to a prospective client at my day job. So feel free to tell two friends and so on.




Thanks in advance. Apologies to people who hate this sort of thing (but at least I'm not trying to masquerade, right?)








P.S. Note that you have to register...which protects me from spam and is really just verification of a legit email address (the blog software should send a password to the address you register).




Please advise if there are any hiccups with registering/commenting. And thanks again for your assistance should you feel inclined to help a fellow Sevener out.



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