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Plan on installing wider rear tires and will need some wider rear fenders. I'm going to try 275-40-17's on the rear. Figure I'll need 11" to 12" width fenders. any and all suggestions are appreciated. (Car is strictly street driven and tail lites are trunk mounted) Thanks, Jim


If Rob's set doesn't work, I had a custom set made by an outfit in Maryland. I got them through Dennis Hedges. I don't remember exact dimensions, but they were widened for me. I can run upto 305 18's with no problem


Standard Ultralite rear fenders are 12" wide. Bit of a different look because they are square to the body and aluminum rather than fiberglass - could be polished. I guess it's a matter of opinion but i really like the look - one of the things that sold me on the car.


Thanks guys for the help. I sort of got the cart before the horse here. The new wheels have a different back-spacing than the current wheels. After the new wheels are installed I'll have a better idea of the fender size needed. Ordered the wheels today and am looking at a 4 week delivery. Bummer. Was hoping to have them by the LOG. Hopefully the new wheels and fenders will be done for our ToTD trip in July. Thanks, Jim

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