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My upcoming track days


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I am taking my se7en to Putnam Park race track, Sunday 7/31 and to Mid-Ohio race track Thursday, August 11. Both with 10/10ths Motorsports. I have done many track days with them and they run a good event w/minimal BS and lots of track time. Novice (w/instructors), intermediate and advanced (passing at will, wherever, whenever, point-bys not required-no "trains").


Anyone one else game?


Mike M

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Mike - To be honest, the open passing with 10/10ths has made me reluctant to do a track day with them.


I've put together a track weekend. Saturday, 8/6 I'm at Putnam Park with 100 Speed. I've run with them several times, and each time the afternoon has just been open track with no sessions. Serious amount of track time.


I'll stay over in Indiana Sat. night, then drive up to Joliet, IL Sunday for a trackday at Autobahn on Monday, 8/8 with MVP Tracktime.



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Hey Steve. Only the advanced group has open passing, if that makes a difference. And, like you, I was uneasy about it. But at my last event they combined the intermediate group (where I was) with the advanced group at the end of the day as so many people had left.


And, it was a revelation. It wasn't bumpin and tradin paint and dive bombing. People were polite and moved over and typically gave (un-required)point-bys. It just opened the track up and stopped all the inadvertent blocking that goes on.


I concluded I was safer in that group as I wasn't being driven crazy by some thoughtless Corvette owner who pulled away on the straight, and then puttered around everywhere else, causing delays. So I wasn't tempted to try a crazy pass, or pass w/o a point-by (wh/I occasionally do in the heat of frustration-wh/my fellow se7en drivers at NJMP can confirm, for better or worse).


The other characteristic the advanced group drivers had was they really monitored their mirrors and pulled aside everywhere and anywhere, including mid-turn, to let faster cars by instantly. My car is poorly suited to the typical pass-only-on-the-straights approach as my competitors' "straight line driving skills" are typically better than mine. So off they go on the straight, then they block my car on the corners where I cant pass.


I will see if it continues to work well and report back here.



Edited by Kitcat
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