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Posted (edited)

Hopefully I can upload a few choice moments.

pic #1-Tom's Yellow SS-can you say front end lift?

#2 Michael D and Ron, savoring the moment.

#3 Stewart and Steve (BBall) comparing notes.

#4: Karls unique method of combining body building with racing.

#5. OK, no more questions abt why Karl needs an extra tall rollover bar.

#6. Croc tweaking one of his multiple Go-Pros.

#7 Tom reacting to his (richly deserved) black flag.

#8 Go-Pro heaven.

#9 Birkin-leading the Porsche parade (Both off and on the track:)).

#10 BBall and Stewart plotting how to get their underpowered X-Flows in front of all the high hp se7ens.

#11 Se7ens galore.

#12 Another beautiful day at the track (Ron's green se7en featured).













Edited by Kitcat

Yes, I will no longer be pushed to the edge of the photos:).


Your post reminds me that my earlier comment that se7eners were slowing down too much before corners did not pertain to you either as I never followed you. I have to assume I missed seeing you and Croc out there because we were all circling at abt the same speed. So we never caught up to each other.


Mike you were moving along at a good clip. I think I gave you a point by once or twice. At any rate your new Caterham should still be a faster, better balanced car. 210 HP, 5 spd?gearing? LSD? Watts? Oil cooler? Dry Sump?

Posted (edited)

Michael D. Not sure what total spec is. Apparently made 170 hp at rear wheels wh/is decent for a Zetec. Full cage, 21 gallon (!) fuel cell, fire suppression system, dry sump, race seat so tight I barely fit (has helmet wings also), wind deflector rather than wind shield, lap timer, 6 sp, LSD, Dedion, SV rear fenders so as to fit humongous (never used) mounted set of Goodyear slicks, much smaller front slicks, mounted set of rain tires and a new set of unused rain tires. With the slicks and everything fully operational I think I will be abt 3-5 seconds faster a lap at NJMP-look out Vette engined 944's! And, our occasional visitor here, 1TurboFocus, says he's looking for a Zetec Caterham to turbocharge. Ya never know:).

Edited by Kitcat

Been in my garage 2 weeks (it arrived when I was at NJMP w/you guys). Haven't even started it, been driving/racing the Birkin,(wh/is street legal) and getting it ready to sell.

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