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    Roanoke, VA
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  1. If it's like mine, the pedal assembly is adjustable for height. I'm 6'1"/225. There is no adjustment for girth. I believe my seat is 18" wide. J
  2. Beautiful car. The whole thing being painted makes in have a very big visual presence. Mine, with the stainless bottom panel and fenders looks a bit incomplete. Wishing your family well. Jay
  3. I've searched for pictures of the car to check out what wheels you have mounted, care to enlighten me? An opportunity to post a bunch of pictures before it changes hands? sizes and specs too?
  4. That looks like a lot of fun. Wasn't recent though, was it? Snow and all? Jay
  5. Don't have your parts, but would be interested in seeing what you are doing. J
  6. I would love to find something that looks like a Panasport in a 17" wheel. 5x100 @ 17x8 and 17x9 would be a great size with varying offsets.
  7. this fitment calculator is pretty simple, but gets the idea across. http://www.willtheyfit.com/index.php?width=225&aspect=45&diameter=17&wheelwidth=8&offset=40&width2=245&aspect2=40&diameter2=17&wheelwidth2=9.5&offset2=30&Submit=Submit
  8. Digging this thread up from the grave of past posts. Most of these posts delve into the ratio and not the Limited slip portion of the rear. I've got a 4.44 VLSD and I believe it is at the end of it's usable life. Can anyone elaborate on the failure MO of the Subaru viscious limited slip differenial? Jay
  9. Roman and Dave, you guys are killing me with this talk of binding and especially of pulling the transmission. It's not a lack of know-how, it's the 'I don't want to, what a pain in the ass' part that is getting me. My pedal is very linear, and take-up and release are fine. Suspect there is no other way to troubleshoot what you guys are eluding to without tearing into it. I may resize the clutch master cylinder first. Ugh, Jay
  10. Very iconic!
  11. More than one owner? I don't question how well built, the great bones are apparent. Jay
  12. Not trying to disparage, but this car visually looks like the builder didn't have a focus on what the end product should be. I think I would spend some time removing extraneous stickers, lights, badges and do-dads, finding a more streamlined idea or look. Reminds me of a retiree's old Ford truck that the owner got hold of a JCWhitney catalog. Not trying to be too critical, just an observation. Jay
  13. simple and ingenious trailer design.
  14. I'm running NT01's in the same size you mention. The Nitto's will probably will heat cycle out and become hard before they wear out considering the cars weight. They tend to get sticky when run hard but that's not a bad thing I suppose, although they sling rocks into the cabin. I haven't had them get greasy feeling like Hoosiers when hot, hot. I'm running 600/500 lb springs so a lower air pressure works well on mine. Nitto's aren't too pricey and are my current favorite. Jay
  15. Thank you for all the replies. I have gotten used to the weight of the clutch because it doesn't require very much pedal travel to disengage and engage. I'm only reminded whenever someone sits in the car and comments on it. It would make for a more pleasurable experience if I could get it a bit easier to depress. I'm going to figure out the factory specifications on the S2000 transmission slave and clutch and contact wildwood about what I currently have and what would work a bit better. I will update the post. Jay
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