Building a Birkin using Duratec 2.5 from '12 Ford Fusion. Got a pretty clean engine off ebay for about $550, claimed 57k miles. Got the pan, valve cover, cams, timing chain, front cover, etc., off. Did the Massive balance shaft delete, VCT delete and EGR delete. Discovered I will need at the minimum a non-VTC intake cam. No stock intake cams on ebay. I am going to call Crower tomorrow.
I was told I needed some additional head work but after taking a look at the VTC setup I looks like the Massive part took care of that.
I'm using a wetsump pan, AT Power throttle bodies and low cam cover from Tom.
The engine looks really good inside and out. Original plugs came out looking nice, no sludge or any signs of trouble. I don't want to spend any unnecessary time fooling with the engine at this point. The only hint of a problem I found was a sign of a small water leak around the area in the center of the cam cover. Two middle plugs had some rust and water stains.
I plan on using stock injectors and fuel rail.
I might use the Crower street cams another $500 I hadn't planned on.
This is gonna be a street driven autocross car, very basic, very light.