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Everything posted by jimmylukeii

  1. That would be great! I'll PM you. If you are in Roswell, you are right beside my home and office. Agreed on the British Car Fayre. I figured I would get to see a few different examples, but maybe next year.
  2. My friends and I have an annual golf trip to Hoover, but this year we postponed due to the COVID situation and my buddy's having his third child. I will definitely buzz you when we reschedule. Thanks for the offer!
  3. Longtime lurker here. I have a Factory Five "Cobra" now but have the bug to move on and build something. Thinking of a Caterham 310, 360, or 420. Anyone around Atlanta that would be willing to chat and show off their ride? Maaaaybe if I ask nicely, take me out on a ride? Hope everyone is hanging in there and doing well!
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