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  • Biography
    One wife, three children and eight grandchildren (six boys and two girls). Birkin 7 of 1993 model, purchased in 2004 at odometer at 9,285 km, chassis #MA1-93-2484-3, now odometer over 115,000 kilometers. Age 69 in 2020.
  • Location
    Tokyo, Japan
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Practicing diagnostic pathologist, formerly public official MD and now at commercial laboratory
  • Se7en
    Birkin 1993 model

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  1. To IamScotticus: the description on the bill of Elite Motors only shows "Lotus-seven 70Am". The label is on the other side of the new alternator, which I cannot inspect. According to my Meister, the vendor is Caterham's local corporation at Osaka.
  2. The engine did not start up in the traffic congestion at the exit of Seisho Bypass in the last week holiday, where I hardly succeed to push my Birkin to the roadside (image 1 - 35s.jpg), and call the road service center of Sony Sompo, the carrier car reached about one hour later, sigh of relief (image 2 - 46s.jpg). She was carried next day to the Elite Motors, so-to-speak attending physician. The trouble was diagnosed as alternator's (generator) by Elite Motors, and the repair has finished one week later. 30-year old Lucas alternator (image 3 - IMG ,,,.jpg) is being replaced to Caterham 70 Am (image 4 - DSC,, 04s). Thanks for Lucas part for a long-standing service, Amen. As a result, my Birkin is now a hybrid with Caterham clamshell fender and alternator,,, Birkinham ? (image 5 - IMG ,, jpg)
  3. Thanx for your suggestion. I would add strong adhesive under the indicated point of the second stay.
  4. Re to Vovchandr: >> How's the reception of the Birkin by the public in Japan? I know small sized cars aren't anything strange to the people used to Kei cars but it's a visual statement like no other. << Seven in general is accepted not only by the maniac but also by the general public. Pedestrians occasionally send me thumb-up sign. OTH, between Seven maniacs, some discrimination seems exist, at the summit of the food chain, Caterham is the champion, however, seven people are largely all families, communicating technical experiences.
  5. After experiencing intermittent fractures of the front cycle fender stays and installment of clamshell type fender, my Birkin (some people says poorman's Seven) reached 140,000 km mileage on September 19. Past history: 20,000 km in January 2006 --> 30,000 km in March 2007 --> 40,000 km in July 2008 --> 50,000 km in October 2009 --> 60,000 km in January 2011 --> 70,000 km in September 2012 --> 80,000 km in May 2014 --> 90,000 km in June 2016 --> 100,000 km in March 2018 --> 110,000 km in March 22 2020 --> 120,000 km in November 2021 --> 130,000 km in April 2023. I purchased this car on October 2 2004, at odometer 9,285 km then. Distance meter has already spinned around one time (+ 100,000 meter). Digit number was short for my Birkin. Mileage meter just before 140,000 km is added. https://drhasegawa.com/prisoner6birkin/birkin-geo.htm
  6. After experiencing fracture of the front fender stay several times after exceeding 130,000 km mileage, which were treated with welding with a central core graft again and again, I make judgements that the welding is no longer the solution, since after the fracture point is treated with welding, the other area is suffering from the mechanical stress and a new rupture happens. My new approach is to replace the cycle fender with the clamshell fender of Caterham. After successfully acquired Caterham's clamshell-type fender on the net auction with reasonable price (circa 50,000 Yen including shipping cost), my Birkin entered the garage of Elite Motors (red arrows indicate the fractured cycle fender in image 104023s) and successfully installed, thanks to Meister Sakamoto (CEO), too), who showed me the installment of front (images 06 and 08) and middle(image 07) stays are MUST.
  7. Actually, for the last six months after reaching 130,000 km, fairly severe troubles arose. 1. Rupture (fracture) of the base of the left fender stay (both front and rear sides). This portion seems to be the center of vibration stress. My meister finally treat with welding with a center steel core, just like, the treatment of fracture of aged person's femoral bone with artificial graft core. 2. Engine start trouble, which is treated with change of ignition coil (Lucas sport). I push hard to reach 140,000 km mileage.
  8. Circa 230 km for one round-Mt Fuji trip (Hayama-Hakone-Gotemba-Fujinomiya-Narusawa-Fujiyosida- Gotemba-Matsuda-Enoshima-Hayama). Thanks for your interest.
  9. Regarding May 18 63th round-Mount Fuji tour on Birkin (1993 model, mileage 138,000 km), feel free to visit my page at http://drhasegawa.com/prisoner6birkin/birkin-geo.htm#240518 (To view the images, click the underlined phrases, and to return to this page, click RETURN key of your browser) Users with large monitor and quick broadband net settings recommended.、
  10. I drive low-key, low-profile on regulation speed, always, since I am old age (71 y.o.) ,,,,
  11. My Birkin (1993 model) reached 130,000 km mileage in Gotemba city today in Japan. British Ford Kent engine alive and well, 1.6 L OHV. Status post the meter one cycle 99999 finished... Past history: 20,000 km in January 2006 --> 30,000 km in March 2007 --> 40,000 km in July 2008 --> 50,000 km in October 2009 --> 60,000 km in January 2011 --> 70,000 km in September 2012 --> 80,000 km in May 2014 --> 90,000 km in June 2016 --> 100,000 km in March 2018 --> 110,000 km in March 22 2020 --> 120,000 km in Nov 2021. https://drhasegawa.com/prisoner6birkin/birkin-geo.htm
  12. Croc, I usually tour this around-Mt Fuji circle till late November, and after spring comes, I resume. The problem is that the traffic jam is murderous in this splendid autumn season, every one is rushing in to Lake Kawaguchi area from every directions. I use back roads (prefectural roads, not national roads) to ward off, however, in some bad day, I resign to u-turn and return to Hayama retreat.
  13. For web version of Nov 6 58th Around-Mt. Fuji Tour, please visit my page at, https://drhasegawa.com/prisoner6birkin/birkin-geo.htm#221106 To view the images, click the underlined phrases, and to return to this page, click RETURN key of your browser, ,, don't wait till whole page is downloaded.
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