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Everything posted by jfgw

  1. http://www.usa7s.com/forum/uploads/20060821_065622_img038.jpg
  2. http://www.usa7s.com/forum/uploads/20060821_065533_img035.jpg
  3. http://www.usa7s.com/forum/uploads/20060821_052511_img041.jpg
  4. All, I know this is short notice, but is anyone planning on going to Mid-Ohio this weekend? I have had a look at the even and there will be some good racing - several original lotus 7's competing and also a British car show where you get to do a parade lap round the circuit in the lunch hour. I plan to attend in mine tomorrow and would love to meet anyone who is planning on going? I know its a fair trip for lots of you, but thought i'd ask. >www.midohio.com James
  5. Ha ha, although hanging around for 90 minutes waiting for the photographer and girls to show up was annoying! I took a few photos on my cameraphone but the quality isnt good - i am not sure if i can attach pics here but i will try.
  6. Apparently this is one of the 'perks' - photos later today so will update then...
  7. I watch the forums with interest, but haven't contributed much to date. However, I felt compelled to start this new topic after an event yesterday while 'tootling' in my Caterham. While sat at a light, someone in an SUV alongside shouted out a question "would you like to put that car in a calendar?". To cut a long story short, we stopped and chatted and it turned out that he was shooting a car-based calendar with a group of swimsuit models from a local gentleman's club.....http://www.usa7s.com/forum/smileys/lol.gif As we would say in the UK, 'it would be rude not to'.... Anyone else had bizarre conversations with other drivers while out in their 7's? James (Ohio) 98 Caterham 7 SLR 2.0 Vauxhall/QED Engine on throttle bodies
  8. Mark, I am in Powell, Ohio (NW Suburb of Columbus) - where are you? James
  9. Guys, there are some interesting video's on this site too, especially the links on the left hand side of the page - I recommend saving the file to disc before playing as the files are quite large and the buffering is frustrating! - >http://www.jackals-forge.com/lotus/
  10. Rob, I just went for LO7US 7 for my Lotus/Caterham in Ohio - someone already had LOTUS 7! I think the SE7EN is the pick... James
  11. slngsht, probably the simplest way of seeing the pics is to go here - > http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?mode=fromshare&amp ;Uc=jj0zmgt.7glemuhd&Uy=-2xwue1&Ux=0 Now starts the list of upgrades, starting with that gear knob!
  12. Brian, That's great info - thanks very much. I certainly intend to get to Mid-Ohio for the August event. The delay in replying was while I actually completed the purchase of the se7en. I now have it, have successfully negotiated the hoop-jumping of registration in Ohio and the car is on the road. This is a Chris (from sevens and elans) built car running a QED Vauxhall lump with various nice bits on it, including his Spa mirror set-up. I can certainly recommend his workmanship. I look forward to seeing you at the track, and if you ever fancy a 'blat' locally, I am based in Powell, Ohio and would enjoy an early morning run to Hocking Hills one weekend. James
  13. Thanks Brian, Could you please point me in the right direction for the requirements for the NASA events? I would love to take part, but am new to the procedures in the US having only been here for a few years from the UK? Many thanks,James
  14. Thanks slngsht, that's exactly what I was looking for. I will post again once I find out, incase any of the East Coast guys would like to join me.
  15. I am interested in doing some trackdays at my local track, Mid-Ohio. Does anyone know the easiest way of doing this, for example joining a club for test days, or is there an organization that specializes in track days for enthusiastic drivers? Thanks
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