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    US Army retired
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    1999 Caterham series 3 Vauxhall 2 l /webers

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  1. Thanks, that answers that then....
  2. Ok, I knew it was not an SV...when did the 'wide tracking' become a thing. This was a '99 build.
  3. Thanks, that's a great idea....
  4. This for an S3 caterham late 90's build with De dion and wishbone front end...the HPC Vaux 2L model. What is available as I'd like to raise the body a smidge. Tried a search but nada showed up. Bilsteins. I'm not sure if this is the wide footprint or not btw. Pics are for model ref. reference.
  5. If you have the 3 bolt steering wheel it will work....the older Momo type...one end is bolted where the steering wheel was and the other to the steering wheel itself. The 3 bolt distances are made for the 3 bolt Caterham cars.
  6. I have decided to just keep the wheel in place as I have no issues with in/out and like the wheel location/distance. Rapix bolt on 3 screw that works on the Momo and 3 screw steering shaft. New in box. 300 bucks plus shipping.... and yes, I am taking a hit on this :).
  7. Looks like a dangerous event in traffic like that and as short as the car is..... I kept getting run off the road in my Elise in traffic....pickup trucks or tall SUV's.
  8. It only gets late afternoon sun and it is vented so I've never had an issue. I used to store my '83 911 out there.
  9. Not mine....bring a Trailer FYI https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1965-lotus-super-seven/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_2648450
  10. Work is a relative term.... I loved being a soldier...it was never work. I found out what that was after I retired. BTW, I know this is repetitive but I damn sure love this Caterham 7. I got in a minor dueling match with a Porsche Cayman (newer 718) the other day and was right on his ass the whole time on the straights and on the round abouts. That Vaux 2L with the DCOE's and 7500 rpm is a hoot...I never go above 7k btw. I'll bet he was like 'what the hell, what is that old looking car?'....
  11. Probably correct on that...very handy. The unique trucks that deliver are pretty trick..
  12. I have a 2+ garage with a lift but storing a car up is a pita so some years ago I bought a shipping CONEX for an extra car keeper. I used this for an older 911 but the 7 has a ton of room. An outfit in Phoenix sells new ones and they modify them...I had a nice door put in the side and this is not a full length model, I've forgotten how long but if interested I'll measure. This is stored under my pole barn (horses) and was painted to match the tack room (by the sellers). The great thing about them is how well they are sealed...no critters.... not even bugs get in. No worries about mice etc. Just an FYI.
  13. Wobly...British sunshine! I spent a month on Salisbury plain with your SAS in the later 70's as an exchange guy. I was then US SF in 5th Gp. It rained every day but you get used to that and after a while you just laugh about it. We then had 2 SAS join us in the El Paso desert for 6 weeks.... as it was near summer, they didn't bring cold weather gear, but El Paso is base line 5000 ft. so it gets damn cold at night and they froze their asses off until we got them some sleeping bags. The Warrant said 'Now I know why all those cowboys wear long coats'...they were excellent soldiers and I've always enjoyed the exchange program. The two kneeling center are your Brits. This was my ODA 595. I'm the short guy wearing shades in the rear and was the team Sgt. ..MSG at the time. The guy with his crank out is Denzil, medic ...he ended up being the SOCOM Command Sergeant Major... I luckily ended at that rank myself. I think about my guys every day of my life. Sorry for the steal but that downpour got me going.
  14. I've put almost 300 miles on it since Friday last....this is the best blend of old Brit/modern systems ever. It was EXACTLY what I wanted and could not be more happy with the purchase. The seller was a great enthusiast and just fantastic to deal with, we'd chat for an hour on the phone about the car..... and he represented it perfectly. What a great experience this has been. I totally get the cult feel for this platform....love looking over those clamshells with the big chrome eyeballs and that Vaux 2l is fantastic. The seller put a Quaife short throw on the box and that is just right.... BTW, thanks for all of your input and I will be asking questions as I maintain this prize.
  15. Nah, since I raised the car with the higher profile tires no problems... I'll buy the spare sump simply because I can.
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