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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    dogs, driving, skiing, shooting
  1. No Al, I am still a member here and will be for a long while. Looking for my 777 swag anytime. LM
  2. The car is SOLD! Sold to the Doctor across the street. A happy home for sure.
  3. Tom, thanks for the kind words. Kitcat, engine is standard 1700 super sprint. MSD ignition and coil, odyssey battery, choke cable installed, fan over ride switch, all weather gear, third brake light. 13500 miles. $23,500. This much fun has never been so cheap!
  4. Seling my 7 to a good home. 1997 40th Anniversary model. De Dion with 1700 X-Flow. Twin Webers, leather, speacial paint. MSD ignition and coil, third brake light, BRAND new Proxes RA-1 (205 front, 225 rear). Recent alignment. Extras. Fast and Fun! Car located North of Philadelphia. Call me at 215.431.4902. Email at clm56@comcast.net.http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1379376639_DSC_0002.JPG
  5. Mine is for sale, look in member rides for my car picture. Can call me at 215.431.4902 for info. Reasonable and good car. X-Flow 40th Anniversary Model. #47 of 65. email me at clm56@comcast.net.
  6. :cheers: Now that is one I could probably make. LM
  7. I am definitely interested in making the fee available to all. Lance
  8. X-Flow 1700, fast, agile and everything I could have wanted. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif http://www.usa7s.com/forum/uploads/20070109_055028_Caterham.jpghttp://www.usa7s.com/forum/uploads/20070109_055322_right_side_view.jpg
  9. Ok, took me long enough but here is my schpiel. I was 10 years old (1966) and at the British Car Show in vancouver (my home town). I saw a seven then and wanted one ever since. Almost bought one many times in younger years but it wasn't until 2 years ago the opportunity REALLY presented itself. I am in Pennsylvania now, where I found my car, a 1997 40th Anniversary edition in red metalic. I have enjoyed it as much as I can and drive it when I feelthe urge, raining or not. Hell, it's a car, deserves to be driven. maintenace has been minimal and other than when I dropped a bag of lawn clippings on the fender, cracking it, I have had no problems, (I know, a real Einstein!) Luckily a fender is not too terrible expensive, even factory painted - $450.00 - this coming year will see some upgrades, ignition, battery, tires, rev limiter. I am a Store Team Leader at a National Natural Foods Market in PA, I have been in the retail business for about 20 years and really enjoy the company I work for and what it stands for. It has allowed me to fulfill this part of my dream in owning the only car I have ever really wanted. Just wish the wife didn't think it was "ugly" - LOL.
  10. Hey, if you swap them out, let me know, I may want at least one clamshell, drivers left.
  11. Here's a couple; CUL8R IXLR8 WHODAT
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