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007 FSR

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  • Biography
    Have owned two 7's Ist a centaur clubman circa 1964 and a Fraser Clubman 2006
  • Location
    Gold Coast, Australia
  • Interests
    Cars; oil painting and gardening
  • Occupation
    Marriage celebrant
  1. http://biareview.com/ http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói tư vấn pháp luật dịch vụ kế toán uy tín đào tạo kế toán bản đã! Nghe tên gọi thì biết, công pháp này là đấu khí tuyệt học Hoả thuộc tính, bởi vậy phải làm thế nào để có thể hấp thụ một cách khéo léo thật nhiều Hoả nguyên tố trong không khí, là bước đầu tiên quan trọng nhất.

    Môn La nói.

    - Hoả thuộc tính? Nguyên tố?

    Dịch Vân hiển nhiên chưa từng nghe qua.

    Môn La sửng sốt một chút, ngạc nhiên liếc nhìn Dịch Vân, lúc này mới lắc đầu thở dài:

    - Ngươi không ngờ ngay cả đến ma pháp nguyên tố mà cũng không biết sao? Ta gọi Vô tiểu tử quả nhiên không sai! Thôi được, ta đây sẽ dạy cho ngươi từ đầu vậy, không thể nào tưởng tượng được Môn La ta lại lâm và

  2. Agree except it is quite difficult to get out in less than 5secs, which is the length of time one three piece race suit will give some protection from fire. As I am a bit arthritic and do not have as much flexibility; I have this on my Fraser. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/IMG_0798-1.jpg The triangulation with the removable petty bar adds to the stiffness of the chassis and improves my lap times by about a second
  3. Sorry Mike have been away from this forum for a while. No effect from the floods . Accident was at Morgan Park, near Warwick in Qld Australia, just under the bridge . This is what happened! http://s57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/?action=view¤t=MorganParkOFF.mp4 Basically driver error I decided to get late entry /apex and was caught out off line in the marbles ~driver error. Caught by surprise and decide "when in doubt both feet out" so locked up everything and reduced damage I reckon. Had to buy anew helmet and now wearing a Hanns Device!
  4. Al back together and even better.http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/IMG_1056-1.jpg
  5. Latetst on my car is a good news and bad news story. Fisrt the sad news is I had a small OFF on a Club sprint day and crashed into a concrete wall re arranging my nose and front LH suspension-radiators etc http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/P6200086.jpg So to fix it striped the car and gut of damaged chassis http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/P8280302.jpg Now looking a little better http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/P8280307-1.jpg even better http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/PB250001.jpg and the really good news is that after delays caused by the devestation floods in Brisbane ,I will get Fraser Clubman back all painted and with new front suspension on Australia day 26th January so will be a double celebration.
  6. Awsome track - should be on everybodys bucket list! If you can visit Australia when there is a race there~ Don't miss it! SEE http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/th_BathurstFoSC20101standonlyRun.jpg
  7. Entered the Festival Of Sports Cars (FOSC) at a track called Bathurst "the holy grale" of motor racing tracks in Australia. Had agreat time except my car after five years of faultless behaviour started to run on three cylinders - so only did 12 laps of a possible 60 or so over the two days. Bathurst Race Circuit is on 6.2 klm of public roads and has basically the long straights one up a steep hill about 700metershigh. One climbs up quickly in a short ditance and the other one down, where many cars reach 300+KPH.~My clubman about 220KPH. Accross the top of the mountain and down the side is quite twisty and suited the clubman untill we got to the straigths - Oh so much more power needed! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/P4060054.jpg Have to invest in a new motor now! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/P4059939.jpg
  8. Must be Climate Change ~ there is a few emails going around the world focusing on Copenhagen talking on your problem! A bit more procrastination and their problems will be solved!
  9. Especially on the track at speed I find a product called (In Australia) RAINEX works very well ~ also put some on both sides of wind screen and my visor.:cooldude:
  10. Living on the Gold Coast of Australia we have fairly warm weather; bit Florida -Southern California like - so have some hot days amongst generally very nice weather. I am not quite there re cooling and have used aluminum foil between tunnel and carpet plus a heat shield made of alloy heat sheild stuff as per pic. This seems to be quite effective! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/P5270038.jpg I do like the idea of throttle bodies as air controlers as the winter are brisk 50 to 60 F and I will not want any additional cool air in the footwells, as VERY happy with current set up for a winter blatt around the the hills in my backyard. I intend to take the air to be ducted into the footwells from the sides of my radiator . I have enough space around the sides of the radiator to make a small flattened plastic funnel. I don't seem to have any engine cooling problems, so think this would be OK! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/charlton023-1.jpg I already have a NACA duct for my cold air box on the side so can't use that area even though in an aerodynamic sense it is a high pressure spot! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/IMGP4233.jpg
  11. Thanks for your welcoming comments. The colour scheme was taken from my first clubman a Centaur clubman built by Keith Turner to designs by Tim Harlock of Centaur Developments in 1963 and purchased by me in 1966. I raced under contract with the Shell colours of bright red and a full pure yellow. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/D1000002.jpg I decide to build another one, the Fraser, for something to do in retirement. I did not want to go through a series of upgrades so did what I wanted in the build! Still doing only small mods as it really worked out very well! Yep so the pic in the Crate/Box was my son and his wife. I did take 18 months to complete as I had to source many bits and wanted everthing to compliment each part. Also move house to the Gold Coast from Melbourne some 1900 Klms' . My pic OK ~ a few grey hairs now! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/DSCF3868.jpg For more information on Fraser Cars see their web site! http://www.fraser.co.nz/ The Kanga Girl well she was a poser running around selling Kanga Hire equipment. She did a great job! The car with the wiskers was indeed a Westfield owned by Frank Liu. Pic of his car from the rear. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/P8210090.jpg There were two types of Westfields in Australia one the UK one and Franks Car one of the Oz versions~ was fairly close or similar exterior to the UK one~ after some legal bantering they are now sold as Arrows and have a good reputation in Australia. I understand the "7 " is or was under some claim as copywrite as well ~ who cares as a 7 is a 7.
  12. Thanks for allowing me to join the USA community. My Fraser Clubman is Kit No 301 made in Auckland New Zealand, in 2005. I installed a Totota 2ZZGE engine 1800cc naturally aspirated and Ford T9 five speed gearbox. The chassis was with additional mods at my request ~ mainly double shear on all bolts and additional side bars, forward or "petty" bar to add strength and unfortunately weight to the chassis. This is how it arrived ! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/P8210002.jpg My engine bay! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/rego1_006.jpg 18 months latter my first drive http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/42086efe.jpg And first competitive event at the Leyburn Street Sprints in 2006! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/fraserwill/pinupkanga.jpg Very much enjoying the journey! I understand there are over 50 Fraser Clubmans in USA~ would love to hear from them?
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