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My Biggest Laugh at the ToTD

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My Biggest Laugh at the ToTD was walking up to a few participants (one of whom was Mazda) with my spare 7 nose cone grill in my hand ..


I said, "Excuse me, I found this on the side of the road a few miles back .. and I figure it must belong to someone here at this event."


Mazda's response, "That's my grill! It must have fallen off somehow!"


So with my grill in his hands he begins to walk to find his car and figure how a significant part of his car had fallen out of his nose cone! At that point I revealed my identity and told him that I was pulling his leg. :D:D:D


Rob Mitchell

Edited by solder_guy
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That is a good one.....Did Mazda give you back the grill or dose he now have a spare.


We had a good laugh about it .. :lol: :lol:


and he gave it back to me .. It is a miscut by Martin Townsend (UK) with his laser .. so it doesn't fit any of our cars. I may cut out the Seven and put it on my spare tire.


Rob Mitchell


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That was VERY FUNNY. I completely fell for that, because the part he had in his hand happened to have a bent tab exactly like the piece on my car. I was thinking WTF! :confused:


:rofl: That was classic.

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