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I just bought an VW e-Golf for my extensive 12-mile per day commute (and other local trips). Given all the subsidies, the gas savings and the company's distress discounts I found the 3 year lease to be way cheaper than continuing to drive my 8-year old Honda Accord, even including the charger installation.


Since the Golf used to be branded as VW Rabbit I will just call it the Battery Bunny. Actually quite fun to drive with great acceleration from stop. Other than no engine sound, not much difference from a "regular" car. Obviously not made for long distance trips...But I still have the Birkin and an SUV.


Anybody else has an EV, and what are the experiences?

Edited by slomove

Well. You know you're smart to lease it. My dad's Cavalier Nat-gas/normal gasoline is due for a new nat-gas tank in one year (for a crappy Chevy with 100K-- may be best to let it go back to normal gas and chuck the natgas equipment). Suddenly that new tank would eat-up his entire fuel savings over the last few years. Same with batteries on hybrids/electrics. My sister's hybrid has had so many electronics problems (dead computers) that she's lost a lot more in repairs than she's saved in gas. Hopefully the maintenance fees hit after you're done leasing it. You'll get the benefits without the time bombs going off on your watch!


That was the idea. Normally we buy our cars cash and drive them 10-12 years. But with the limited life of batteries and rapid rapid pace of technology this did not make sense here. When we have to turn it in 3 years from now I suspect there will be mainstream electric cars with 200-300 miles reach (this one has 80-100miles). However, I also suspect there will be no incentives anymore. E.g. the $2500 California tax rebate for plug-ins will be available soon only up to a certain income limit and the federal one is capped at 200,000 cars total per manufacturer (IIRC). GM is almost there.


I did a quick acceleration test with the smartphone app. With 9.4 sec 0-60mph a little faster than spec. Won't beat the Seven any time soon but pretty good for my commute.

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