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Leaf blower


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Trees have changed color in the Midwest. Beautiful in the trees, not so much on the lawn.


I had the se7en out for a drive on Friday. It is a Birkin Duratec with 2.5" side exhaust. At the end of my block is a stop sign next to a lawn with a carpet of fallen leaves. As I blipped the throttle and let out the clutch, my perifrial vision caught a bunch of leaves blowing up into the air as if they had been hit with a leaf blower.


Now if I could just figure out how to attach a bagger...

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I remember lighting up dark parking lots with a cold engine and a blip of the throttle. The V8 would toss a three foot flame. Amazing how even the exhaust of these machines can create emotion, and you don't even have to hear it to love it. I hope to find my Rotus back one day.

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