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I bought a lovely Locost build from Flordia last weekend. I have a title - a 2003 ASPT (Assembled from Parts) - clean and signed over. I have insurance. I have a bill of sale. I go to the DMV to get a Georgia title and tag. Piece of cake, right? NOoOoO.


A day in Georgia DMV Hell: A short drama (Based entirely too closely on a tragically true story)

by: Sporqster


[scene 1] the DMV

Me: Hello. I purchased a car in FL and need to get a tag and Georgia title. I have my license, the proof of insurance, title, and bill of sale all right here.

DMV Clerk: [looking at title] ASPT? What's that?

Me: That's assembled from parts.

DMV Clerk: So it's a parts car?

Me: No, it was assembled from parts- as in built by hand.

DMV Clerk: Ummm hmmm I'll be right back.

[at least 5 minutes later]

DMV Clerk: Is this a kit car?

Me: Yes, sort of. It's a replica. It was built in a garage in Flordia if that's what you're asking.

DMV Clerk: OK you need to apply for a rebuilt title.

Me: Really? It's not rebuilt it's an original build.

DMV Clerk: SIR, you will need to have these forms [handing me a half dozen or more forms] completed, and a state inspection completed before I can help you. Here is a number for the Atlanta DMV to arrange an inspection of your vehicle, or you can have Bennett Motors on highway 17 arrange it for you. NEXT!


[scene 2] sitting at my desk


Me: thinking to self this is odd - oh well I will fill out the paper work and get an inspection like the lady said. Let's see - I'll call this number she gave me and see what I can do about getting an inspection.

[after being on hold for 90 (NINETY) minutes]

Atlanta DMV Clerk: Hello, how may I help you?

Me: Hello, I am trying to register a Lotus 7 kit car which is licensed and titled in Flordia, and I don't think I was given the proper forms - I was told to fill out a 'rebuild title' form.

Atlanta DMV Clerk: A kit car, you say.

Me: Basically, yes- it is a hand-build Lotus 7 replica.

Atlanta DMV Clerk: Please hold.

[5 minutes later]

Yes sir, you will need to fill out form ... yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah.

Me: Yes Ma'm I have all those forms, what I my next step towards aquiring a title?

Atlanta DMV Clerk: You are going to have to request an inspection. An inspection will cost 118.99 and is non-refundable. Inspections are done once a quarter, between 2 and 4 o'clock excluding holidays when the inspector is in a good mood. If your vehicle does not pass inspection you must pay another inspection fee and wait an additional 12 weeks.

Me: Wow. Is there a checklist somewhere that I should look at to make sure I pass the inspection the first time?

Atlanta DMV Clerk: You say your car is titled and tagged in Flordia?

Me: yes

Atlanta DMV Clerk: So it has passed a Flordia inspection?

Me: yes

Atlanta DMV Clerk: Well, then it should pass the Georgia inspection.

Me: OK great good to know, but isn't there a checklist or something I should check against just to make sure? I mean what is the point of an inspection if you already know it will pass based on the fact it passed the Georgia inspection?

Atlanta DMV Clerk: Sir, I don't make the rules. Thank you for calling the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles, have a nice day *click*

Me: thinking to selfum.... ok what now? guess I call this other number...

Ring... Ring....

Mechanic: Hey - body shop.

Me: Hi - I was told by the DMV that you guys could inspect cars for the purpose of getting a title?

Mechanic: Oh yeah, you need to call back here after 2 and talk to the owner about that.

Me: Ok, I'll do that.

[4 hours later] - speaking with the owner

Me: I purchased a kit car in Flordia. I understand that you can arrange an inspection to fulfill the DMV requirements?

Owner: Um yeah, but I'm about to head out. I have some place I need to be. When would you like to meet, and I'll take a look at what you've got.

Me: I'm only 5 minutes away, I could run out there now, or later. Just tell me when.

Owner: If it's only 5 minutes, come on out here, I'll wait for you.


[scene 3] A


I don't know GA law, but pretty much anywhere else, windshield with no wipers is guaranteed to not pass.


In Maryland they will also require bumpers, exhaust shields, etc...


I was very fortunate to get the car registered as historic... no inspection of any kind required - ever.



I bought my car in Maryland and trailered it back to Ohio. It was titled in Maryland as a kit car and ohio had no problem with that. The lady asked me what to put on the title rather than give me a hard time. The cop inspected it because it was out of state but was only concerned about the vin matching the title. I guess they just figured it was some kind of crazy car but it has been titled in Maryland since 1985 so it must be fine. I have had much worse scenarios at the DMV with much more well known cars.


Good Luck :cheers:


I got on Lexis-Nexus- I looked up the GA code - 2 things I see they could get me on if they so chose - plexiglass is not a material approved by the safety commissioner for the construction of vehicle windshields. However, I see nothing in the georgia code explicitly requiring a windshield in the first place- do I spend the money I don't have on a new windshield, or just take it off. No windshield, no windshield wipers, thus solving my second problem.


Obviously, just like on a motorcycle, I would assume you must have goggles or a face shield if you don't have a wind screen. No problem. I have matching prescription lense goggles.



As my car is a 1981 .. Rotus .. all I had to do was show a Bill Of Sale, Georgia form T-22B (VIN inspection by officer) and pay $70. No inspection.


At least you have a local inspection mechanic whom you can bribe for $185.


I don't know what the Atlanta DMV is .. as each county has its own DMV. There is an inspection station near Stone Mountain .. and that place is open several times a week and I don't remember a $$$ fee .. :confused:


Glad you made it back to GA without problems :)


Rob in Atlanta



I would leave the windshield in place but take your helmet and face shield or goggles with you in the passenger seat. If you drive up with it on you might arouse some question as to why you would need a helmet and face shield and from what you have said the inspection guy has already seen the car and has basically told you that it looks like it meets all of the requirements. Just make sure you have the correct amount of cash in your pocket and also make sure you have enough ones (1) to be able to pay the inspector the required amount without having him have to make change. Seems that you have already paid him for the inspection and he just wants the paper work to finish it. Oh and do not offer any facts unless asked and then be a little cagy with respect and humbleness. An example “Inspector asks about the windshield and the lack of wipers” Your reply should be something like “ It is the way I bought it and it was legal in Florida and some models of this type car do not even have a windshield let alone wipers.” Do you get my drift, just don’t divulge to much information or knowledge that your windshield might not meet the code for the state.

I do not have wipers on my car and I am in Calif and I though I would have a heck of a time getting my car licensed here but it just took about a half hour and I was in an out without any problems as it seemed they just wanted the paperwork to match and the vin checked and the money. Have Calif. Title and registration and plates now on the car.

Rember to keep smilling even if you have to jump through a hoop or two as in the end it is worth it all.


Tell us about your trip when you get the time.



I feel your pain brother- But- it could be worse- I had to go through the same kind of B.S., but in two languages and I had to trailer the car to the 5 different appointments. The car had more miles in the back of our truck than it did on the track (the only legal place we could drive it) But I finally got a VIN #, plate and registration and the 'safety' inspection was a joke.

Good luck- no matter what the hurtles- it will be worth it in the end.


Don't let GA DMVS force a Rebuilt branded title on you. Rebuilt means wrecked and rebuilt. GA can and will issue a "special construction" branded title: I had one on my Spyder. It took some work, but much better than a salvage title. Kit cars are handled by the DMVS Salvage Section: call the main number in Atlanta, stay on hold the requisite 30-45 minutes, then asked to be connected to the Salvage Section. When you get them, ask for a supervisor, leave a message with your cell phone number. They will call you back from a direct line; keep the number and handle all future business direct. The salvage section people can get you a list of inspection stations in various parts of the state. I had my car inspected at my dealership; the inspection was easy, but much follow up was required to get the special construction title (the inspector didn't know it was available, and wrote rebuilt on the inspection form). Of course, this was all in 2003, and some things may have changed since then, but Georgia is actually pretty lenient on kit cars. Good luck.

Don't let GA DMVS force a Rebuilt branded title on you. Rebuilt means wrecked and rebuilt. GA can and will issue a "special construction" branded title: I had one on my Spyder. It took some work, but much better than a salvage title. Kit cars are handled by the DMVS Salvage Section: call the main number in Atlanta, stay on hold the requisite 30-45 minutes, then asked to be connected to the Salvage Section. When you get them, ask for a supervisor, leave a message with your cell phone number. They will call you back from a direct line; keep the number and handle all future business direct. The salvage section people can get you a list of inspection stations in various parts of the state. I had my car inspected at my dealership; the inspection was easy, but much follow up was required to get the special construction title (the inspector didn't know it was available, and wrote rebuilt on the inspection form). Of course, this was all in 2003, and some things may have changed since then, but Georgia is actually pretty lenient on kit cars. Good luck.



Now that is the kind of information this forum is all about- you could'nt pay for that gem.

Now, Mr. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil- let us hear your final chapters- that should end something like: "... and with my plate and Regi in hand I drove off to Tybee island to watch the final glimmers of sunset illuminate the vast Atlantic." :thumbs:

Don't let GA DMVS force a Rebuilt branded title on you. Rebuilt means wrecked and rebuilt. GA can and will issue a "special construction" branded title: I had one on my Spyder. It took some work, but much better than a salvage title. Kit cars are handled by the DMVS Salvage Section: call the main number in Atlanta, stay on hold the requisite 30-45 minutes, then asked to be connected to the Salvage Section. When you get them, ask for a supervisor, leave a message with your cell phone number. They will call you back from a direct line; keep the number and handle all future business direct. The salvage section people can get you a list of inspection stations in various parts of the state. I had my car inspected at my dealership; the inspection was easy, but much follow up was required to get the special construction title (the inspector didn't know it was available, and wrote rebuilt on the inspection form). Of course, this was all in 2003, and some things may have changed since then, but Georgia is actually pretty lenient on kit cars. Good luck.


sweet info

  • 4 weeks later...



Today I FINALLY got the inspection. PASSED! :hurray:

The homemade binder clip windshield wiper was apparently enough to pass. Now All I have to do is get the title in the mail and I'm set!


Oh and yesterday I had some fun with the Locost- see the pics and blurry video:





BTW: With the application of my new license plate yesterday, I just christened my car TOPGEAR.


Rob in Atlanta, GA




The registration of my half-assembled Caterham Seven could not have gone easier.


I am building the car in a garage in Greeley, Colorado. I went to the Weld County Sheriff's Office on a Thursday afternoon, and paid $12.00 to arrange for the VIN inspection the next morning. The sheriff's deputy came out early the next morning, inspected the VIN on the chassis and on Caterham's Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, checked the VIN on the computer database, and signed off on my Alaska "kit-built verification" form. The next day, after I got back to Alaska, I took the form down to the local Alaska DMV and got my title, regisgtration, and plates.


I was really surprised at how painless the title and registration process was at the Alaska DMV -- the clerk was even a car enthusiast who knew what a Seven is, and was up on all the other current "minimalist" cars like the Elise, Ariel Atom, and Rocket! Quite a contrast from the usual DMV paper-pusher......


I'm applying for personalized plates ("SE7EN"), but they won't be delivered for 12 weeks. But now the Seven is licensed and titled, even though the engine, transmission, fenders and wheels aren't on it yet...


Tom Meacham



Glad you finally got legal. Nice car. Was expecting a major problem with my Caterham that I "imported" from Virginia to Tennessee (built in North Carolina). Turned out to be a piece of cake. When the clerk asked how many doors it had the troublemaker in me wanted to say none but I thought better of it. Don

I'm applying for personalized plates ("SE7EN")


Taken in Georgia .. must be popular amongst the casino set. :cuss:


When the clerk asked how many doors it had the troublemaker in me wanted to say none but I thought better of it.


:lol: :D




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