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Can anyone explain "Super Seven Cars" of Canada?


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A 1984 car made by them has made its way south into Seattle, and I assumed that it was a product of the pre-litigation era, but... The web site for this company is up, and they are currently offering new cars. The Caterham UK site links to many countries, but not Canada, so one assumes that they aren't friendly with each other.


The Super 7 Sports Car Co describe themselves as "Canada's only Factory Authorized Caterham Manufacturer." Not "distributor", but "manufacturer". They say that the cars are manufactured on Victoria Island in British Columbia.




I'm really curious what the story is. The older car makes no claims to be a Caterham, as the new cars do.

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I can't explain the dealership, but I will say that David Saville Peck, RIP, was an outstanding individual and great representative of Caterham, driver's sportsmanship and even of both of his countries. He was a gentleman and host of the finest caliber (calibre?). While many of our group knew him better than I, and of course had known him longer, he allowed the Grizzly Bear Blat crowd to take over his house, the dealership and most of his garage. He provided beer, barbeque and even test rides in his Hayabusa powered Caterham to many of our group. He dropped everything going on in his shop to repair a wheel bearing problem for one of the cars, and provided help and advice to several of us.

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We visited that dealer during the Grizzly Bear Blat in 2013. The owner, David Peck has since passed away. He was a gracious host and gave me an adrenaline producing ride in his supercharged 400+ HP Hyabusa powered Seven. At one time he held the speed record for driving in reverse in that car, 145 mph IIRC.




He was a manufacturer as he mostly sold complete cars powered by motorcycle engines.


I don't know what has become of the dealership since then nor anything about the 1984 Seven.

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I believe he sold Caterhams with mostly bike engines. And, as I recall, he is/was somewhat famous (infamous?) for calling the Stalker, a "Storker," a vague reference to its alleged portliness, causing initial outrage, followed by years endless mirth that continues to this day. Wish I had thought of it first:)! He was clearly an enthusiast of the highest order. And a Caterham lover, perhaps to a fault.

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I used to work in Feltham, near James Whiting's bike-engined Seven shop. Sounds like Mr Peck had a similar specialty. The 1984 car is nothing like either of those. I'm having trouble uploading the image, but it looks like a short wheelbase Caterham, with few differences. It would be easy to imagine that Caterham would have given them the same legal treatment that Westfield received. How they turned that into surviving as an "authorized manufacturer" must be a lost story.

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