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Partial rear brake engagement (new 420R SV build)

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New build here! It looks as though only the upper portion of my pads are engaging the rotor. Both rear wheels show this — but only on the lateral side of the rotor. It started on the right side rotor and the left now has it as well (~5 miles later). Played around with the pins, they feel pretty free. Inner pads are sitting correctly in the piston. Handbrake cable is adjusted. Next step is to swap the pads around to see if that makes a difference. I bet someone here will post a fix before I even make it out to the garage…




The caliper alignment and or mounting bracket is not perpendicular to the disc.  If it is not a lot, you just need to bed in the pads.  But I would first check the mounting bracket bolts. You could try re- torque the bolts, while some one applies brakes. Torque up in sequence.  If that does not solve the issue you will probably have to shim.  Davew


Thanks Dave, I’ll check out the mounts. Flipping the pads didn’t seem to change anything.


Bruce at Beachman Racing took a look and says it's relatively normal and should bed in soon.

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