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Posted (edited)

I viewed the Pre-Lit Westfield listed for sale just to see what it was. https://www.bugeyeguys.com/2025/02/pocket-rocket/

While I was on the Bug Eye Guys website I looked at all the other cars for sale. Of note was that in some of the ads there are videos where he mentions motorcycle safety tips during his drives.  Things that a lot of seven owners may not know about if there have never ridden motorcycles. For example; leave a gap between you and the car ahead and angle your car slightly to the side when at a stop. This so if someone comes up too fast you can move to the right, (left in the UK) out of the way to avoid being rear ended. On a motorcycle there is usually room between the car ahead and the shoulder or curb. In a seven you may have to mount the curb. However, better to only need an alignment than to have to repair the rear coachwork.

I know there are some good seven videos by people like Turn 7 but I haven’t seen many (any) that go into safe driving practices.

This is one of the videos where he mentions Motorcycle Safety Foundation tips.


Edited by theDreamer
  • Thanks 1

Pretty solid advice.


After riding bikes for many years I find that that my driving habits are drastically more defensive than many other people I ride with. 


There's a saying in the bike world that Cemetaries are filled with riders who had the right of way. 

Be seen, be predictable, always assume that you're not seen. 


My father used to recite a poem supposedly written on a tombstone in some long forgotten cemetery that went something like this:

Here lies the body of Johnny O'Day
Who died Preserving His Right of Way.

He was Right, Dead Right, as he sped along
But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong.

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