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Recos on a website authoring tool


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I should start on a design for my website - for when I actually get my car done enough to share the experience. Anyone got what they think is the best value + technology at this point in time? Years ago I used a product called Net Objects Fusion which was really nice, but I'm not up on what the better choices are today. Anyone who knows of an app that runs on OS/2 gets undying gratitude ( and everyone says "What's OS/2?")

As a point of reference, what was nice about Net Objects Fusion was that it was heirarchical from the get-go - was really easy to sketch out a site as a tree and especially easy to maintain and extend the tree; did a lot of the behind-the-scenes work for you so you never had to spend time chasing links. site uploading was packaged for you and it did link checking for off-site URLs you included.


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I personally think the easiest way to do a build site these days is via blog. There are lots of great templates and it requires very little technical knowledge.


You can easily post pix and the posts go in reverse chrono order....so the latest news is on the first page. Just a thought. For blogging, there are the usual suspects: blogger, blogspot, wordpress, etc.


I use wordpress on a self-hosted blog, with kula-ecto as my desktop client (allowing me to compose offline and then upload when ready).



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Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions, guys. My goal in sharing is to make it easy for another Se7en'r to locate a topic of interest in my particular build experiences, and to access detailed information about that topic. I don't know of a friendlier interface for handling a random query than a collection of lists organized as a hierarchical tree for locating and drilling-down to a particular piece of information. However, the world changes, and I'm off to learn what I can about blogs, and find if it's possible to make them just as friendly to the user.



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the nice thing about blogs is that you can add "tags" to classify various posts.


See my site:

hairshirt motoring!


Mine isn't build related, so the categories on the right side aren't build-related...but you should be able to see how you could set up these "tags" to correspond to various stages of build/parts of the car.



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Many website hosts (e.g. Network Solutions) offer all the tools you need on their website for no charge. You need no technology on your computer other than a browser and connection to the internet. They offer templates and step by step instructions. Seems easy enough though I have no idea if you can build the tree structure. I assume it is done by building a number of pages and linking them together as a hierarchy

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