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oh the disappointment


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You know what's more disappointing than coming home and not seeing the box you expected at the front door?




When the box is there, you open it, and the part inside is the wrong part. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/cuss.gif





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buying ur se7en. then working midnight shift the following week. and breaking ur ankle during that week so u can't even sit in ur new se7en.




Don't jinx him. It's been a VERY long road for him from the time he paid for it to yesterday.

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If it makes you feel any better, I do not have a broken ankle (but some pretty hairy work hours) and have not sat in the Seven for about a month.




The good news is that the C-tek is hooked up and my social engagement for tomorrow was cancelled. I smell a blat in my immediate future. Finally.

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