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Dennis is working on getting a speedo for my car. After doing some searching and talking to people, it appears my tranny is one that was used in Rovers, TR7s (maybe TR8?) and MORGAN + 8.


Anyway, what I need is the speedo drive on the tranny. Any thoughts or sources?


what you need is the gear that fits in the tranny,the clamp the correct gear. What is the rear end gear ratio the tire diameter and what color is the gear in the transmission White or Black? You also need to know the tire diameter. I guess you cna get a programable speedometer which you may already have. There are several different gears that go in the transmission and two gears for the tail shaft as I mentioned above. These were probably based on the use of 13" tires. If you have the programable speedo you can correct for any setup of gears. The first step is to find out if it's programable. Otherwise you will have to work of finding the correct gears to use. I can probably help you find the gear holder and hold down bracket for you There should be someone on here that has the parts.




Are you changing it to a Rover engine??


Joe, it already has the rover (or buick) 3.5 L engine.




The speedo is programmable, so I guess any setup will do. I don't know what the rear end ratio is. Do you have part numbers and a supplier?




I'll ask Dennis about the color of the gears.






Here's a couple of pages I scanned in for the different gears. I guess I'll have to email it to you as it doesn't seem to want to attach.




You will need TR8/TR7 part #22G1486 (GEAR HOLDER, AAU2304 ( SEAL) AND 22G1711 (HOLD DOWN BRACKET/FORK) I'm not sure what the speedo cable fitting is like. Probably square. Also a output gear for the cable to hook to.




You should be abvle to get them from Ted Schumacher - he sells a lot of new and used parts. It's TS Imported (800) 384-3022




If your speedo is programable it won't matter a lot what gear you get but you could try to match the right ones up. He can probably get you one from a TR8 or TR8. I'm sure he has old transmissions around. Just mention my name - It won't get it any cheaper for you but he won't run you around a circle if you do.




Tr8's had a 3.08 rear and Try's has a 3.45 for auto and 3.90 for stick usually with 13" tires.






Joe, thanks for the help. My speedo is programmable, so no worries on the ratios...




I just got off the phone with Woody (I think you two know each other, and ordered the parts.




Thanks again,



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