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Wish I had a pair big enough for this


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It certainly takes pretty big brass ones to do that. It appears that he has 4 model airplane jet turbines on the wing. I didn't see any smoke when he jumped out, I assume he is smart enough not to light off 4 jets inside the plane. It takes a lot of faith to believe all 4 jets will start, insuring parallel thrust, but I guess that's why he wears a parachute (Besides the high stall speed)




Just when you think you have all the neat toys, some guy gets a new one.




" The guy who dies with the most toys, wins"

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Someone forwarded me this clip the other day; it kind of blew my mind. From what I remember it looked like he lit the engines off while standing in the open airplane hatch waiting to fall out the side.




I didn't spend much time looking around the site, but I'd be interested to see what is test/development program was like. Presumably his first test wasn't to fall out of an airplane with the wings all folded. Or maybe it was, given that he does pack a 'chute. Still, though, I'd have thought he'd go through some trials to make sure the wings didn't foul the chute deployment or something.

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